by Susan Branch
Hardcover- $17.25
New York Times Bestseller, Travel In the winter of 1982, long before she became the watercolor artist and author we know today, ...
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if you are a Susan Branch fan, you will be adding this to your collection. It is the third in a trilogy - sort of autobiographical . if you've loved her cookbooks,these three books are an excellent answer to all your questions: how did she get interested in cooking, painting; how did she get her first book published; how did she end up on Marthas' vineyard and meet Joe? Definitely more fun to read in order although i did not: The Fairy Tale Girl, Martha's Vineyard, A fine Romance. while there are fewer recipes in this book , there is still her fabulous art work. This year will be the 30th anniversary of her first cookbook -Heart of the Home and a new updated edition will be out in June.
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