by Jenna Blum
Hardcover- $15.31
"The Lost Family is an extraordinary read, the kind of book that makes you sob and smile, the kind that gives you hope…. It is ...
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its possible i've had enough of reading the WW II Themed stories that seem to blanket the market lately. Peter is obviously a flawed character and his guilt over surviving the camps and not making the correct decisions for his family have a distinct impact on his relationship with June and his daughter Elsbeth. So probably the deepest character. I could not relate to June at all. Seemed selfish to me when she was dating peter -- it was all about her; i think maybe she thought she could change him? Was obvious that it wasn't going to happen. Then she becomes a bored housewife - surprise. And with affairs to boot. I could not like her character at all. Then we have Elsbeth who seems to get the worst of both her parents. The ending was too pat and dry - Peter couldn't have fought to have custody of his daughter?
Some will like this book...wasnt' my favorite.
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