by Rick Bragg
Kindle Edition-
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year
This haunting, harrowing, gloriously moving recollection of a life on the American margin is the ...
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I really enjoyed this book. It brought back some impressions I had of people raised dirt poor who were shunned because their clothes were hand-me-downs and had little to eat.
Those of us raised in the rural South will probably enjoy the book more than others. Not all of us experienced the tough beginnings that Bragg describes, but we will recognize and appreciate the love of family, the attachement to place, and the rhythm of the language.
One of the few books written by "poor white trash." A different perspective on growing up in the South.
Rick Bragg is simply a great writer. His writing is beautiful, but what really strikes you is how he can dig deep into the people he writes about. In this book, he inspires us with the love of his family and his low-key but relentless drive to tell people's stories. This very personal account of his life and that of his strong mother, not sugar-coating personal weaknesses and poor choices, was a favorite with our club.
I read this book years ago, and whenever I hear about Appalachia, it brings me back. Inspiring and hopeful. Different than Hillbilly Elegy, emphasis on family rather than why.
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