by Stevie Turner
Kindle Edition-
Dr Beth Nichols thinks she has been held captive by Edwin Evans for about 8 or 9 years now. Amidst her grief she often looks back and thinks about ...
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Captivating read in which Stevie Turners writes about kidnapping from the perspective of several characters. Engrossing. Highly recommend.
The author tells the story of the horrifying events of a kidnapping from different characters\' perspectives. This story telling device makes for excellent pacing. The novel contains an unusual mix of romance and suspense, which work together quite well. Each character was carefully written in a manner that makes their thoughts and actions believable. I felt empathy for the kidnap victims and their struggle to survive their tormentor. This book is a wild emotional ride that left me in awe of the writer’s skill.
A tightly paced story. Stevie Turner writes about the a kidnapping from different characters' perspectives. Characters are well drawn and we feel for the victim. Worth a read.
A heartbreaking story of captivity - graphic and heartbreaking.
Written with true excellence, encompassing multiple perspectives, this novel is apt to leave the reader feeling absolutely drained as the suspense builds slowly and inexorably, achieving some incredible emotional climaxes along the way. It\\\'s a powerful work that comes across as realistic, making the reader feel what it might be like to be held captive and despairing over the thought that he or she might never be re-united with their loved ones.
A House Without Windows tells the story of a woman who has been in long-term captivity at the hands of... I won\'t spoil it for you. It\'s eerie, disturbing, and fascinating.
And this book has won how many awards? Each and every one of them well-deserved. Terror, intrigue and suspense - it's got it all.
Disturbing beginning. All kinds of interesting discussion questions for book club!
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