The Winemaker's Wife
by Kristin Harmel
Hardcover- $17.60

Instant #1 bestseller from The Globe and Mail (Toronto) and The Toronto Star

“Love and betrayal, forgiveness and redemption combine in a ...

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  "Do Not Miss Reading This Book" by Silversolara (see profile) 08/13/19

France, wine, WWII, present day, and love - all of this wrapped into one amazing, difficult-to-put-down read.

We meet Inez, Celine, Michel, Thor, Liv, and Liv's French grandmother, Edith, as the story moves back and forth in time.

We find out about the lives of the winemakers during the war and a secret that grandmother has kept for many years as well as a connection that the vineyards, a restaurant, and the characters have to both time periods and to their lives.

Grandmother Edith was my favorite character…mysterious and stubborn all rolled into one.

Liv was likable as well.

Inez, Celine, Michel, and Thor were interesting, and their wine tunnels were fascinating.

We learn more of the war, the resistance, the French people involved in the resistance, and how the danger of making one simple mistake could alter the safety of many people.

THE WINEMAKER’S WIFE is another marvelous, intriguing read about the resiliency and determination of the French people and the entire European population.

Those of us who were not living during this time, do not have any idea of the horrors and hardships endured by the European people.

Ms. Harmel weaved a beautiful tale filled with authentic characters and a story line that kept me turning the pages to learn more as well as cry with the characters.

Absolutely LOVED this book. Do not miss reading this book. 5/5

This book was given to me as an ARC by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

  "Interesing historic fiction about the efforts of ordinary people in the wine country of Champagne during WWII." by thewanderingjew (see profile) 07/03/20

The Winemaker’s Wife, Kristin Harmel, author; Robin Eller, Lisa Flanagan, Madeleine Maby, narrators
The novel takes place in Champagne, France, in the wine country. It begins in 1940 as World War two throws family and friends onto opposite political sides. The war has placed all people with Jewish heritage into extreme jeopardy. Some live in denial believing they are good Germans and nothing will happen to them, and some live in fear without the wherewithal to escape. Some people who are able to, pack up and leave the country for safer places of refuge. Many of those that stay are doomed.
The Germans are committing acts of violence against innocent people. The world has never before experienced such diabolical evil. Quietly, although the French have acquiesced to the Germans, with hardly a fight, the people of Champagne are determined to thwart their efforts to take over their country. They risk everything, including their lives and the lives of their families to form a resistance movement to save France. Some even hide Jews and lead them to safety at great risk to themselves. Others turn in their own friends and family to uncertain torture, brutality and death in order to save themselves or curry favors and/or respect from the enemy. They will soon see the error of their ways, for no one is safe under Hitler’s rule. Although Celine and Michel are staunch patriots who wish to resist, Ines and Theo believe in acquiescing to survive. The war makes strange bedfellows with some French turning a blind eye to the brutality and collaborating with the Germans, and some actively fighting the enemy for a free France. Man’s inhumanity to man is front and center in this novel, and man’s capacity to hate is center stage. The story moves back and forth in time, from the time of the war, in 1940, to 2019, as it uncovers the lives of those affected by the actions of Michel Chauveau, his family and friends. Who is heroic and who is traitorous?
In 2019, Olivia Kent, newly divorced and unhappy, and her very elderly grandmother, 99 years old, return to Paris. Olivia believes that her Grandmother Edith intends to enlighten her about her past in war torn Europe. She learns many things she would never have suspected about Edith’s former life. It is through the voice of her memories that the wartime story of Michel, Ines and Celine is revealed with all its many misunderstandings and misinterpretations leading to unintended consequences.
This is a story about different kinds of love and betrayal. It revolves around secrets and lies. Some lies were for the benefit of others, some betrayals were unplanned and unexpected, some secrets led to horrifying ends and some lies were disastrous. Jealousy and foolish naïve behavior and what seemed like downright stupidity, at times, brought about the downfall of others. For the most part, the book felt authentic when it revealed the history of the war and the resistance, but when it came to the conclusion it seemed far less so, and I found it disappointing.
The narrators of the audio spoke in recognizable voices with the character’s personality traits revealed through their interpretation. I recommend the book, but caution the reader to suspend disbelief when the novel concludes.

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 09/06/20

  "Resiliency" by [email protected] (see profile) 09/09/20

The characters had a lot to go through during WWII and love, betrayal and hardships are through out this book. I love that Ms.Harmel blended the past with the present and weaved a beautiful story that kept me interested through every page.

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 11/28/20

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 03/28/24

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