The View from Mount Joy: A Novel
by Lorna Landvik
Hardcover- N/A

From the author of ANGRY HOUSEWIVES EATING BON BONS The View from Mount Joy, Lorna Landvik’s delightfully quirky and intensely moving ...

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  "A multi-faceted book great for discussion!" by loishobart (see profile) 01/25/08

This is, at first blush, a "fluff book" - however, that being said, not only is it an easy-breezy read, it's got some miraculous depth - a few laugh-out-loud spots and many whooshing-to-the-heart, touching moments that caused a little tear to fall. Is it "spiritual/sacred"? Is it "secular"? YOU decide. AND if you've read other Lorna Landvik books, you'll be so pleased to see what a lovely and strong job she does of creating a MALE narrator, Joe - a really, really nice guy. Our book group REALLY liked these people - some were more shallow than previous works - but I believe they,as characters/people were more shallow - ergo, how they appear on Landvik's pages ... Definitely a great discussion - plus, there's loads of little food hints in the book that make for good noshing at the discussion table! :)

I'd also obtained Lorna's DVD which we used in the discussion group and it was fun to see her - quite a lovely and funny Scandanavian gal - UffDa, girl - i'm Norwegian, too! :) Tak!

  "Not for the more reserved book club" by jolong (see profile) 04/09/09

Although I enjoyed this book, the average rating from my book club was a 2. This book was basically divided into 2 parts, with the second half much more enjoyable. If you don't mind some inappropriate sexual content you will probably enjoy this book, otherwise you should probably skip it.

  "The View from Mount Joy" by maril (see profile) 07/20/09

Many in my group found this a fun and good summer time read and others found it pointless. They found no plot or point to the book. So our group was divided on liking it and not even finishing it.
I found it a nice light read for summer and it seemed as if the characters were the Minnesota version of a Fannie Flagg type story.

  "Easy read but little lacking..." by marshcs (see profile) 07/20/09

I felt this was an easy summer read, but a little lacking in the plot line. It sort of rambled on and wasn't really sure what the point was. It was okay, but not Lorna's best. It's a light summer read, but not much there for a discussion with book clubs.

  "The View from Mount Joy" by HIPP2007 (see profile) 07/20/09

  "a delightful read" by lindseyschmidt (see profile) 10/30/09

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