by Paula Mclain
Kindle Edition-
“A beautiful portrait of being in Paris in the glittering 1920s—as a wife and as one’s own woman.”—Entertainment Weekly
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An insight to a marriage where love is deep seeded, but seem to lose connection with one another. Hemingway has many demons during his life and struggles to stay afloat. Hadley loses herself in the process, only to find she must lose him to gain herself. Very good novel and recommend to any one wanting to learn about Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley.
I really enjoyed this book. After reading it I have a new insight into the works of Ernest Hemingway. It's funny but you always think someone brilliant until you get to know them. I think Hadley was at times amazing and other times foolish, but regardless she intended to stick with Ernest through whatever and for that she is to be admired. Great story.
It was quite interesting to see a view of Ernest Hemingway from another's viewpoint. Now I want to read some Hemingway.
This was a wonderful perspective and taste of 1920's Paris and the literary and artistic community. A sad end to a probably doomed romance but great insight into Hemingway.
I loved this book! Could not put it down. I loved the characters and the love she had for him and how heart breaking it was that he was such a womanizer. I wanted to tell her to leave so many times. Wonderful book!
This book will keep your interest throughout. It has romance and history as well as being heartfelt - you feel the pain and the joy of the characters.
There wasn't much happening in this novel of Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley Richardson. Hemingway was brusque and offensive and she was dull and whiney. They drink too much, alienate friends and leave their child for weeks at a time. The writing felt very flat and the dialogue stilted and corny.
While it was interesting to find out about how spoiled a person Hemingway was and a good study of a maniac depressive person I found it rather boring. Other than being a good writer Hemingway had few redeeming qualities. Hadley got the good end of the deal when she divorced him.
I did find the bull fights interesting. When I was a girl we went to Mexico and watch a bull fight. Brought back some memories. I also checked the skiing place he went to and lived off of others. I couldn't understand what his parents did that was so wrong to turn him against them. They gave him the ability initially have a good education and provided for him.
This novel just spoke to me - I loved the romance, the interesting travels and places Hemingway and Hadley lived. The life of the bohemians in the 20's seemed fun and surprisingly much more like what the young artists lifes of today than I expected. I am sure our book club wants to read more Hemingway or perhaps his full biography, great read.
I loved hearing about the Lost Generation's adventures in paris from a woman's point of view. I have always thought this era was so romantic and fascinating and this book did a great job of revealing the depth of that experience good and bad.
this made me want to go back and read Hemmingway's work.
This book sparked an interesting discussion around the life and books of Ernest Hemingway and his first wife Hadley Richardson.
Fantastic research written in a way that made Hemingway come to life.
This book gives you a good perspective on the early career of Ernest Hemingway while married to his first wife, Hadley Richardson.
interesting bit of 1920s history of writers but a bit dull and drags. fun to watch 'midnight in paris' after reading the book
This book wasn't terrible. Most of us thought it was "okay". The plus: Educational benefits (it made us research Ernest Hemingway - details were presented in the book that we did not know). However, it was a little hard to get through - especially the middle. Did we really need all the details about what they did day-to-day: get up in the morning, have a drink, go meet friends, have a drink, go out to dinner, have a drink, etc. This book would have been much better had it been shorter.
Makes me want to re-read Hemingways works but that's all. Historical fiction.
I truly loved this book. If you have read Loving Frank then you will like this book. I love the era and the city that this book takes place. You truly feel for Hadley and she tells a story in which you wish you could hate Ernest but you don’t, you mostly feel sad for him. Even though this book doesn’t have a happy ending for the couple you feel very satisfied with the story that is told.
Hadley Richardson Hemingway was Ernest Hemingway’s first wife. THE PARIS WIFE by Paula McLain is Hadley’s first-person account of their life together before, during, and after they were married. But this is a novel, not an autobiography.
Hadley and Ernest met when her friend Kate invited Hadley to Chicago, where Kate lived. It was party, party, party all the time there. Poor little Hadley from St. Louis, where her life was dull, boring, and anything but a party, was happy to return again and again, particularly because Ernest was there. He was 8 years her junior, but he was full of life, and she yearned for that now because she had missed out on so much when she was younger. So, although most 29-year-olds might have thought a 21-year-old was too immature for them, Hadley was attracted to Ernest right away.
Eventually, Hadley and Ernest began writing to each other between visits. When Ernest’s letters told Hadley about his intention to go to Europe to further his career as a writer, she was disappointed. Then he told her that he wanted her to come with him as his wife, and she jumped at the chance with little thought to what she might be getting herself into.
So not long after they married, they went to Paris. They met and interacted with various writers and other artists there and became friends with the likes of Gertrude Stein and her partner and Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda. Although Hadley liked them, they bothered her, too. My opinion: they were a strange gang. They partied and drank all the time and hoped they’d sell books. How did they do it? They were either independently wealthy or, like Hemingway (“Hem”), they shared their wife’s trust fund.
But Hadley had assured Ernest before they were married that she’d never stand in the way of his writing career. She told him that she would only be his partner and encourage it. So she didn’t usually complain but went along with everything. That even included threesomes for a time. No kidding. Hadley was miserable but felt one with Ernest and didn’t know how to live without him.
Ernest’s actions were not a result of Hadley’s neediness, though; I think they were because of Earnest’s association with the eccentric (read self-centered and hard-drinking) writer community in Paris. Their marriage was doomed from the beginning of their lives there.
McLain says that this book of fiction is mostly fact. That makes THE PARIS WIFE interesting. Still, I couldn’t take it in large doses because of my disgust with Ernest and the rest of those expatriate writers in Paris and also with Hadley. While I could understand how a wife could be a sap for her husband, I couldn’t sympathize with her plight when she was putting up with threesomes every day, even in her bed.
This book lets the reader enter the lives and loves of Ernest Hemingway through the eyes of his first and possibly most authentic wife. This is an author's 'coming of age' story.
I enjoyed this book, with it's detail of a time gone by. Paris in the 20's, full of life, artistic people whose entire exhistance is to fill one's self to the fullest.
My book club read this book along with A Moveable Feast. We also went and saw the movie Midnight in Paris which relates to both books. This was an easy read with an interesting perspective on the decadent lives of Hemingway's friends and the challenges Hadley faced trying to keep up with everyone.
So intriguing I found myself researching the life of Ernest and Hadley for hours after I read the book. Great for discussion!
My book club generally enjoyed this one, although some found Hadley a little too passive. She allows Hemingway to get away with a little too much as she attempts to save her marriage. It was interesting to see how Hemingway climbed to fame, and how easily he both drew people to him and pushed them away. I wished there was just a little more information about her life after Ernest, but other than that an enjoyable and informative read.
written well i was getting angry with "the paris wife" and at the same time understanding and feeling sad for her!! Reading th ebook enticed me to do furthwer research andhave found it quite interesting---we had a great discussion--and not all of the members liked it
We were all very disappointed in this book. It does not really get interesting until the end. I almost didn't even bother finishing it. I thought it was sad and depressing. Their very self indulgent life was hard to connect with. None of us would recommend this book to others.
Could barely finish it; I keep waiting for something great to happen based on reviews but I found it boring.
Our club loved this book. We enjoyed the easily read life and experiences of Ernest Hemingway and his first wife during the early 1920s. It is an interesting and quick read.
Linda Connelly lead our discussion of The Paris Wife. She did a lot of research into the history of Hemmingway which answered our questions on how true to facts this fictional story could be. We gave the book a 3.3 rating and almost all agreed that although we enjoyed the book it was not a "page turner". Several commented on the fact that the title of the book was not representative of the true content as we came away knowing more about Hemmingway than we did about Hadley. As to whether or not she became pregnant on purpose or not, we can now verify after some brief internet research that there was reliable birth control in the years covered in this book.
A really interesting read that gives some insight to Hemingway, his first wife, and the experiences that inspired much of his writing. It definitely made me want to read more of his writing and more about his life - although he certainly comes across as a tormented soul.
Good insightful book into Ernest Hemingway's first marriage.
This was a very interesting read. We tend to think of people who lived in the time of Hemingway as so much more old fashioned, but this novel sheds light on the forward-thinking minds of that generation. It made me want to learn more about Hemingway and his life, loves and literature. I'd like to one day get around to reading his works. Definitely worth a read and well written.
How can Paris in the '20's be so boring? How can a wife of Hemingway be so boring? I felt I had a better understanding of Hadley after reading the Wikipedia article.
Underwhelming, not challenging or thought provoking. It did make me want to read more about Hemmingway, but the wifes point of view was too predictable to be a good book.
This book brought to light a time in history that seemed so over the edge at times. It definitely made me want to know more about Hadley and Ernest as much as to their lives after the marriage fell apart.
I think what I liked most about this book is the description of the Paris lifestyle post WWI. What an interesting time! Sometimes the lifestyle and waste made me angry. Is it really necessary to partake of so much, especially alcohol and drugs, to be creative? I hope not. How much more might have been written, painted, composed without the excess?
I really enjoyed this book. It was very relevant to my life and how I thought life should be but it isn't.
Our group enjoyed discussing this book. It was informative and insightful. We liked the writing style in this book and have chosen "The Sun Also Rises" for our next book.
I did not know what to expect from the book at first. It was so well written and you really became to either hate or love the characters. In many of the descriptions of the Hemingways' travels you could actually picture the scenery.
A pleasant surprise.
The book created lots of discussion about the time period, Hemingway, and the artistic society in general. We would definitely reccomend this novel for any book group. It also made many of us want to pick up "The Sun Also Rises."
This was one book that everyone enjoyed reading. We all enjoyed learning more about Paris and the lifestyle of the artists in that time period. Discussions about Hadley and how different she was from the "crowd" and Hemingway were very interesting. We also had a great time discussing their relationship....? co-dependent....true love....Hadley's being tolerant of his affairs.
My book club enjoyed the book for it's view into Hemingway's earlier life. It was a very interesting read.
Not everyone in our club made it all the way through, but there were positive reviews from everyone that even picked it up! This leads to great discussion because there is so much you learn about the history of it all.
It's historical fiction and deals with Ernest Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley, when they lived in Paris in the 20's. They rubbed shoulders with famous and soon to be famous people. I thought the story was well written and enlightening.
An intriguing look into the life of Hemingway through the eyes of his first wife. Though her character seemed a bit flat, she is the lens that we watch Hemingway's life being shaped in his early, formative years as he struggled to find his voice. An interesting, and sometimes disturbing, look at prominent artistic figures who shaped the literature of our time.
Thought this was a great book which told me a lot about Hemminway's ways in Paris.
Well written - so interesting to learn about Hemingway's life before he was the renowned "Papa" - would have loved to be in Paris with them - imagine going into a cafe and sitting with F. Scott Fitzgerald, Zelda and Gertude Stein.
Hadley Richardson comes to life in this well researched historical novel about one of prominent members of the Lost Generation expats living in Paris in the '20's and his lesser-known first wife. Interestingly, all of book club members commented that the book jacket photo has nothing to do with the story inside the book, but was no doubt a publisher's come-on to sell the book. The photo might more suitably belonged to Hemmingway's 2nd wife, not Hadley. But perhaps this unabashed trick to sell the book was worth it. I loved every page of this book and went right out and got a copy of A Moveable Feast after finishing The Paris Wife
This book is well written. It give the perspective of Hadley and her life with Hemingway in Paris. Was this the life she really wanted or did her love of Hemingway sway her? This book takes you back into the days of F Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein and others who influenced the works of Hemingway. It makes you think about the life of the woman that was perhaps his only real true love.
This book was very thought provoking and sad. Hemingway was a very arrogant man who did what he wanted, went where he wanted and loved the way he wanted. Hadley was the long suffering wife who did everything she could to make him happy but in the end it wasn't enough. Our book club enjoyed this book and we highly recommend it.
Read before watching "Midnight in Paris"! Well written story about self absorbed artists. Best for Hemingway fans
This was a fictional account of young Ernest Hemingway and his life written in a historic fashion. The author did extensive research, making the book factual, but fun and not dry. Good reading for a book club.
It has inspired me to read more about Hemingway. He was such a complex fellow and obviously very attractive to women.
While it highlights the sad lives of the "lost generation," why not just read Hemmingway. It was hard to imagine why there was any attraction between the two. Her descriptions were flat. If she was trying to paint him as selfish and troubled, she didn't do a great job at that...we already know he was very troubled. Next time, read Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises.
Everybody liked the book, liked some of the characters.
Our book club had a great discussion since the Hemingway lovers loved the book and everyone else thought it was slow and dull. If it weren't about Ernest Hemingway, it would have been a real sleeper. There were mundane details about Hemingway and his first wife's life in Paris, but also insight into what it would have been like to be Hemingway's wife. The book read as though it were retelling "A Moveable Feast" through Hadley Hemingway's eyes, and the reader can see how Hemingway decended into a more uncontrollable bohemian life the more famous and richer he became. He was totally commited to his writing.
I wasn't sure if I liked this book but kept reading since it was a book club pick. By the end of the story I became motivated to try to read "The Sun Also Rises". I was unfamiliar with Ernest Hemingway's life, and I enjoyed learning about his life and that time period in Paris.
Reading this after enjoying the charms of "Midnight in Paris", the movie, is a mistake. Very little of the excitement of the time is conveyed. Forgetting the miseries of this marriage is my next project.
Half of our group enjoyed it and the others strongly disliked it. We felt either you connected with the characters, the time and events or you read it as a woman of today and could not relate or understand. It was good enough but didn't really lend itself to great discussions.
a good read but sometimes it didn't reallyhold my attention
This book generated a lot of conversation but about Hemingway and his life! Members were interested in his books. Not much talk about book itself
This is the kind of book that makes you want to know more about the subject, in this case Ernest Hemingway. I found it very interesting in understanding the life of a writer and those people they choose to surround themselves with.
Sorry! Must be compared to Loving Frank about Frank Lloyd Wright and his wife, mistress and his life and The Paris Wife doesn't even begin to be as good. So, I would recommend skipping The Paris Wife and reading Loving Frank. Great for book club discussion!
I didn't realize that Ernest Hemingway was in any "real" love affair with anyone aside from Martha Gellhorn. The book really played emphasis on this fascination EH had with marrying Hadley Richardson because he believed she would be perfect for his writing. He seemed to be a complete narcissist and unknowingly used women to promote his own well being. Perhaps he was incapable.
Well, historical fiction...maybe it's just a story.
Everyone enjoyed learning the other side of the Hemingway story from Hadley's perspective. We talked about other Hemingway works, his family and the 1920's in general. This work made for a lively and interesting discussion.
I enjoyed learning about the early days of Ernest Hemingway. I found it difficult at times to read knowing the outcome.
I liked the book but thought the characters were deplorable, each in their own unique way. It was well written. I actually read the book fairly quickly because I was curious to see how the characters would "evolve" next.
We enjoyed reading about Heminway from the perspective of his first wife and the book also talked about the lifestyles of other prominent authors during that era such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein.
Highly researched novel. Left me wanting to read more Hemingway books.
This book was hard to put down! Highly recommend
The Paris Wife is toted as a novel but it is based entirely on Hemingway's own works (including A Moveable Feast) and other historical documents. The story is told entirely from Hadley's point of view and you (painfully) watch the evolution of her marriage as she grows and Ernest stays the same. There are excerpts from Hemingway's journals that bring on a rush of emotions and caused me immeasurable pain as a woman and a reader. The Paris Wife is enchanting and insightful. It shows a side of Ernest Hemingway that I never knew existed; a side that almost changed how I feel about his work.
This book seemed a little slow to get into. Yet It picked up nicely, it was really very interesting how the author gave these famous figures in history a human quality. Usually we just know about their accomplishments and very little is known about what sort of personality they have and their personal every day struggles. Since the Hemingway's were part of such a influential circle it really provides an interesting insight to how all of these people interacted with each other.
I enjoyed this piece of historical fiction mostly because I had no previous knowledge of EH early life, and found Paris in the 20's a surprise. However, the immoral character some marriages took during this time frame were disturbing. I also found myself frustrated with Hadley as she made excuse after excuse for EH being so self centered. She deserved better and thankfully it seems she found a better man when she married her second husband.
Interesting way of seeing Ernest Hemingways life
Easy read and liked the perspective from her side. Glad to have read this after the Movable Feast.
I enjoyed this look at the life of Ernest Hemingway and his wife, from her point of view. It was interesting to "get to know" the famous writer from a different perspective. I also found it very sad to watch their marriage fall apart. Our book club generally liked it, and the discussion was fun.
The book is an easy read but doesn't offer much in the way of discussion. The book's characters are a sad bunch whose lives revolve around insecurity and alcohol. It is interesting to meet Hemingway's first wife and learn a bit about his early career. But the overall gloomy nature of the story and its lack of discussion options made it a less than good book for our club.
I thought the story sounded interesting, but the voices in the book were not convincing to me. I would still recommend it for book clubs because it sparked an interesting conversation.
This book generated more talk on various topics, relationships, addiction, love, creativity, mental health, women's roles in society than many we have read. We liked it!
I was so hoping for a happy ending..
I liked this book, I could see where McLain wanted to take us with it and it is well written. But I have never been to Paris, nor have I read any of Hemingway's works. So I could not see the second level that I am sure exists in this book. Readers having been to Paris, or having read Hemingway, go ahead. The others, maybe not.
I have not read any of EH's work and I think I would have enjoyed the book more if I knew more about EH. I did enjoy, learning about post WWI, Paris and places the Hemingway's visited in Europe. The book is well written. I became a fan of Hadley and her life as she grew as a wife and mother.
Our group rating ran from 4 down to 2, averaging out at 3.1. As usual, a wide range brought out the best discussion.
The primary dislike was that it was difficult to find anyone to admire in the book, making it a drag to get through. Some admired the writing, while others found putting words in the mouth of Hemingway, like "we'll always speak the truth to one another", galling.
However, it was a good discussion of the "muse to genius" that so many of the very unhappy women in the novel dreamt of being. Handmaids to creators, versus being creators themselves, and how that role is still one that many women want to play, even as more choices are open to women than in the 1920s.
While this wasn't a great book, it was not a waste of time.
3.5 stars for this well written story told from the perspective of Hemmingway's first wife Hadley. By all accounts, there has been much written about Hemmingway, so finding a unique, fresh perspective from which to tell the story is difficult at best. McClain did just that and did it beautifully.
Hemingway---larger than life, an adventurer, talented author. So a novel about his wife and their relationship should be colorful and insightful, but this book was anything but. The characters were flat, especially the protagonist, and whenever a character started to become more that two dimensional he/she was cut out quickly. Paula McLain apparently wanted to emulate Hemingway in his sparse descriptions that tell the reader so much. She failed miserably. Do not waste your money or time on this book. Reading the Wikipedia entry about Hadley Richardson was more insightful.
The majority of our book club found this book to be a bit flat and irritating. In our club are Hemingway fans and we were intrigued by the description; a lot of us had high hopes for the book. I wanted so badly to like the book but found it hard to get through.
A great insight to a complicated man and his amazing firsts wife.
Our entire book club loved this book. The author did a fantastic job with all the characters and the overall feeling of that time period in Paris.
After reading The Paris Wife I questioned why we didn\\\\\\\'t read \\\\\\\"A Moveable Feast\\\\\\\" which is Hemingway\\\\\\\'s story of that time. Lots of info seems to have been copied from his book. The end is disturbing and Hadley & their lifestyle....disturbing too.
We all enjoyed it...which is kind of unusual! We were all amazed at how different the lives of the characters were from the lives we\\\'ve led. Google the term \\\'lost generation\\\' and see if it helps clarify their lifestyle.
This book gave a fictional glimpse into the life of Hemingway, and another era of existence. A great read!
Now I want to read about the other 3/4 wives. Interesting to read about the man behind the words!
Our club members just met to discuss this book. We all liked it. It made us curious about reading one of Hemingway's books!
The 8 that gathered to discuss this book were all in agreement- boring at times & had to force oneself to finish the book. There si certainly plenty to discuss. Heminway was completely unsympathetic as were many of the other people in the book as they drifted through life in an apparent acoholic haze! The last couple of chapters were probably the best written & interesting of the whole book. Very disappointing overall
By the second chapter I was completely into it. Finished very quickly, just couldn't wait to see what happened next!
Even though this is a work of fiction, Paula McLain did a wonderful job of taking us into the world of Ernest Hemingway, especially his early years. She brings Hadley to life and at times, makes you forget this is a work of fiction.
Although it was written well it was boring. We felt she rambled on and nothing suspenseful happened to keep our attention. It had interesting parts but no real gripping storyline.
This is Hadley Hemingway\\\'s story, well written historical fiction. Ernest comes off as a brilliant, adventuresome person who is very emotion driven and alcohol plays a big part in his life with Hadley and it turns into the lives and loves of Ernest. Made for a good discussion.
I wish the word "fascinating" was an option in the word description choices because its a step above "interesting".
I felt a kinship with Hadley and wanted to be her confidante. I wanted her to have more appreciation of her self worth. I wish she had a friend who consistently buoyed her.
Her marriage to Hemingway gave excitement to her rather mundane existence. It didn't kill her; it made her stronger.
I listened raptly to this book.
I really enjoyed this read. I knew very little about the personal lives of the American artists and writers in Europe at that time. Now that I have read about Hemingway\\\'s personal life and first marriage, his early works make more sense.
You don't have to be a Hemingway fan to like this book. Enjoy it for the great writing style and for the insight into Paris in the 1920s. You will meet lots of interesting literary characters from Fitzgerald to Stein.
Tedious and boring. Not a page turner for sure.
I enjoyed the way the \\\"The Paris Wife\\\" engrossed me in the romance between Ernest Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley Richardson. Though it seemed clear that their marriage was doomed from the beginning (and not just because I knew she was his \\\"first\\\" wife), I really rooted for them and was emotionally invested in their union, making their eventual crumble that much more of a heartbreak.
Wanted to like this book. Interesting time period but I quickly tired of the characters. Was never convinced that Jack and Hadley had any real relationship.
This was a great and interesting book that have do much information about the Hemingway and Paris in the 20s. It was hard to put down and piqued my interest to explore the subject further. I highly recommend it.
I read the book and also listened to the last several chapters in audio form. Reading this book opened many questions.............I wanted to know more about the 1920's in Paris, the artists of that time, more information not only about Hemingway, but also about his son, Bumbi, and the rest of his wives and family. It was a great book that created many issues for book club discussions.
Great Writing and wonderfully addictive story. The Author really brings a voice to the otherwise silent first wife of Ernest Hemmingway. Made me want to read several Hemmingway books just to relive the Paris scene all over again.
Interesting look at artistic life in Paris in the 20s .
This was very informative about the times and lives of artists and writers in Europe after WW I. Very well written and researched.
I very interesting look into the early years of Hemingway\\\'s writing, influence of the Paris creative group in the 20\\\'s and his first marriage to Hadley.
It is a convincing fictional story based on the lives of Ernest and Hadley Hemingway. It relays their lives and the atmosphere of those times well. It would be interesting to compare to a real biography of Hadley. The author hopes to have the reader like Ernest but I'm afraid I found the deterioration of their marriage depressing and wound up not thinking very highly of either character!
Wow, this book didn't do any favors for Ernest Hemingway. I didn't know much about him before and now my opinion of him has lowered. The author did a great job of telling the story of Ernest's life with his first wife, Hadley, but it was a tough one to read.
Some felt the book was poorly written while most said that they enjoyed the book and the view of Paris in the 20's as beiing quite interesting.
My club loved this book, a fictional biography of Ernest Hemingway's first wife and their lives in Europe after WWI. It was interesting to view this more personal side of the author.
Our Book Club enjoyed the book and found it a very insightful look into the personal life of Ernest Hemingway. We all felt terribly for his wife Hadley and it was her that we rooted for through the book.
We all wanted to go on and read Ernest Hemingway's retrospective book on this time in his life with Hadley and compare notes.
The story of Ernest Hemingway\\\'s first marriage through the eyes of Hadley, his wife. Interesting facts about the expats in Paris during the 1920s add realism to the book. It does drag a bit in the middle but worth getting through. Great discussion about who the real Ernest Hemingway was. Made our book club want to read more of his work.
Well written. Discovered a lot about Ernest Hemingway and his first wife Hadley Richardson.
The first of Ernest Hemingway\\\'s wives follows him to Paris where she is thrust amid the crowd of writers and ex-pat friends: Gertrude Stein, Alice B. Toklas, Ezra Pound, Scott Fitzgerald and others. Despite her encouragement, Hemingway\\\'s writing drys up and soon, so does the marriage.
Enter the 20s in a past world full of camaraderie and literature.
I enjoyed reading about their lives how they lived and I have a weekness for Paris.
I thoroughly enjoyed this fictionalized account of Ernest Hemingway's early life, told from the perspective of his first wife, Hadley Richardson. Paula McLain's writing allows a peek behind the scenes in the evocative life of Paris in the 20's. It also gives the reader a new perspective on Hemingway before he became famous for both his writings and his exploits.
I really enjoyed this book. Part biography, part historical fiction, all love story. Captures the mood of the period and the interesting people who lived it.
We loved it...heartbreaking and inspiring; entertaining and very sad all at the same time.
I love stories that take place in Paris, especially during the Jazz Age. "The Paris Wife" gave me a new perspective on Hemingway and great admiration for Hadley.
It provided an inside look at the artist community and their lifestyle. Also a historical portrayal of relationships-i.e. The females role in a marriage. The book left me feeling sad for the main character. Our group discussion was very interesting. Questions provided by book movement were thought provoking.
This was one of the few books that everyone in the club enjoyed reading. The historical background, the descriptions of Paris, and the insight into both Hemingway and Fitzgerald's lifestyles was interesting. Many felt that Hadley was simply a prop.
I thought this book gave a good insight into Hadley Hemingway. She was a girl out of her element struggling to be a wife of an artist while at the same time questioning that role in the 1920s. I liked two things very much about the book, one The way she explained the struggle of an artist and how it affects those around them, and secondly her struggle to be her own person at one point in the book reflecting on her mother and her heroism in the suffrage movement. I like this book very much
A beautifully written story of Hemingway's first wife and all that she endured to keep them together. Their marriage only lasted 5 years with Hemingway being the most deeply tortured troubled complicated person known.
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