by Barbara Delinsky
Paperback- $13.14
For as long as she can remember, Dana Clarke has longed for the stability of home and family. Now she has married a man she adores, whose ...
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We found this book extremely far fetched right from the beginning when the child is clearly african american, not just having aa features. Too many story lines throughout that were not fully developed and pretty predicatable.
Our book club enjoyed reading and discussing this book. We also had the opportunity to talk with the author and it was very interesting to hear her thoughts behind the story. There are lot of worthwhile themes which run through the book and encouraged further discussion. Is the theme far fetched? Not completely. Lots of people do not know a lot about their genetic backgrounds for various reasons. And then there is a whole other discussion about secrets. Anyway, it was an easy read and fun to talk about.
Not great literature and not even particularly well written, but it is a good story with interesting twists and turns. It is an easy read and provided thoughtful discussion and interesting scenarios.
I neither liked nor disliked it. It was predictable, but it makes for a good discussion with a group of people. Reads quickly - not intensive nor life-changing.
I think Barbara always writes with insight about complex family matters. In this book the concerns about race in America are great debate topics for bookclubs.
A very informative read. This book will make everyone want to trace their family roots.
FAMILY TREE deals with some weight topics: racial identity, family history, racism, bigotry, and more. Although I enjoyed reading this book, it wasn't until after my group's discussion that I accepted the author dealt with most of these in a very superficial manner. Some of the characters and their behaviors are more stereotypical than realistic and detracted from the overall enjoyment by most of my group's members. Even with these issues, I enjoyed re-reading this book and will probably re-read it in the future.
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