by Reid Taylor Jenkins
Paperback- $13.58
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A gripping novel about the whirlwind rise of an iconic 1970s rock group and their beautiful lead singer, ...
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Behind the music documentary style works for audio version of book; unsure of text translation. Perfect setup for future TV series.
I LOVED this book. Is it strange that a book can give you the same chills as the chills you get from listening to a good song?! This book did that to me again and again. The imagery was great. Highly recommend.
An enjoyable easy read.... It’s been written from the point of view of a reporter.
The lay out of the story was unique and fun to read because it was set up like a documentary. I think it would be an interesting docu series to watch on TV. The epitome of sex, drugs and rock and roll.
After being on so many lists as a "hot read", I did read it. If it was not written in the manner it was (the characters speak in their voice and you may get two/three views on a topic in their voice) it would have been VERY boring. The characters could have been developed more, nothing really goes on except the usual sex, drugs and rock and roll (and you kept reading because you thought something may happen), and it's predictable. I would put this in a "beach read" category. No use of brain cells and really nothing to discuss with anyone after.
DAISY JONES & THE SIX may take some getting used to at first. It is not in a novel's usual format. Taylor Jenkins Reid's intention was to write a novel that comes across as a documentary. But understand: this is a novel, fiction. It took me about a quarter of the book to decide I liked it.
Something else that may lead to misunderstanding is the cover. That is a picture of Daisy Jones, but the book is really about the whole band, including Daisy. It would have been nice to see, instead, the back cover of their hit album.
Every band member, including Daisy, tells their story. A few others, such as the writer for ROLLING STONE and The Six's manager, also chime in.
Daisy is a fabulous singer. The Six is a fabulous band. But, until they get together, neither has a hit song much less a hit album. Together they are magic.
But just about everyone in the band, especially Daisy, has problems they deal with. Probably, their biggest problem is all their drinking and drugging. They tell us about what they accomplish in spite of the problems and what brings them down because of them.
Somehow, Reid made me like this story a lot in spite of its format that I didn't like at first. I would suggest, though, that she include at the front of the book a list of characters with who each is.
Our group enjoyed the storyline and seemed to be accepting of the writer's style.
If drug use, unapologetic casual sex and the crazy money and access around the music business offends you, skip this book. But if you want a wild ride with insights into a life most of us will never experience it was a crazy ride. I listened to the audio version which was very well done. This audiobook used multiple readers that brought their characters to life. Reading it versus listening to the book may have added to the experience of the book.
The documentary-style format worked so well to tell this story. Having multiple perspectives on events that helped shape the bad this story is centered on gives that added layer of depth and realism. TJR paints such a vivid picture of the era that solidly immerses you in that world. Daisy and Billy are these broken people that become temporarily made whole each time they write songs together. I highly recommend this one.
What being in a rock band must be like…the dark side of fame.
The interview format works well. The audio book was excellent with several different people reading the parts
4.5 or 5 still considering it.
“I had absolutely no interest in being somebody else’s muse.
I am not a muse.
I am the somebody.”
“Don’t count yourself out this early, Daisy. You’re all sorts of things you don’t even know yet.”
“Life is about who is holding your hand and, I think, whose hand you commit to holding”
I can say that the first half of the book was ok for me, and I was worried about the turn it would take but thankfully it turn out the way I wanted.
Lately I’ve been sticking to the theory that love is a decision and it means choosing someone over and over again, not giving up on them no matter it not being simple.
I just love the way they portrayed love and marriage, not an easy path, a complicated one but a worthy one.
And that’s it, I loved the style of the writing ,I had never read it before and I enjoy the way it made my reading fluent, active and enjoyable. There were also other topics in the book that I liked how were treated.
PS: The sorority I found here was my super bonus, I didn’t expect it and It was satisfying of reading giving the fact that it is not common.
PPS: Camila is just superior. She just have it right.
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