by Amy Chua
Paperback- $11.49
“[E]ntertaining, bracingly honest and, yes, thought-provoking.”—The New York Times Book Review
At once provocative and ...
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Very interesting book that I think will drive a lot of cultural discussion for our group. Glad I read it but it was not as awesome as I had hoped. The writer is a bit nuts as a parent but it ends nicely. Take the time to read it!
Interesting book. It will prompt lots of discussion at your meetings. I can't say I agree with her methods of child-rearing! She had me annoyed most of the time throughout the book as she praises her "Chinese method" and degrades the "Western method."
This book had more humor that I expected. I learned a lot about the Chinese culture and thought she had some great observations about "western" child-rearing - some of which I didn't agree with. This is a quick read - read it in one Sunday.
This woman is HORRIBLE. Feel terrible for her children. This was also written like reading a blog
This book generated some of the best discussion our book club has ever had; none of us want to emulate the "tiger mom" but we all found that the book caused us to question our own parenting to some degree.
I found the discussion regarding parenting styles to be somewhat interesting but overall I felt that this book was a bit boring.
It was interesting to read about an entirely different culture's view of child raising. Certainly this Chinese mother was very extreme in disciplining her daughters but the book promotes a lively discussion.
I enjoyed this book more than I expected to. Ms. Chua's ideas about child-rearing are interesting, although I personally think she took those ideas WAAAY too far. She does make several good points about relative weaknesses of the "western" parenting model. If nothing else, the subject matter will make for a lively book club discussion!
This was a great book for discussion. We went into the discussion with an open mind and while we didn't alway agree with the author we could relate to her ideas.
We had a pretty rousing discussion at our book club. Many did not like or relate to her tactics but her story caused a lot of inward reflection on our own "Western" parenting styles.
I wasn't expecting to like this book, but it was interesting and the author made some valid points. She is quite strong in her convictions and harsh. I think it proves we can all be better when pushed to our limits. It made for a good discussion.
I think it is important for the reader to remember that this is just one person's view about parenting. I like the way the story is told, but I do not agree with all of the generalizations.
Wow! I didn't even know that mom's like this even existed!!! Definitely opens your eyes to different ideas/ways to parent! Not all of which I agree, but worth reading!
This book stimulated good discussion in a group of great mothers.
This mother has NO life of her own. Her schedule exhausted me!
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