Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10
by Marcus Luttrell
Mass Market Paperback- $6.08

Four US Navy SEALS departed one clear night in early July 2005 for the mountainous Afghanistan-Pakistan border for a reconnaissance ...

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  "Hooyah, Marcus Luttrell, Hooyah!" by PattyPP (see profile) 05/14/09

This book should be required reading at schools in this country. Marcus explains so clearly what our politicians and our liberal media has cost him, and continues to cost us, the families of service members. Hoo-Yah, Marcus Luttrell!!!

  "One of the Best War Books I've Read" by JFM86 (see profile) 05/29/09

I laughed, and I certainly cried. Very simply said, Marcus Luttrell has written a phenomenal book to honor those he fought with. To me, this was more than a memoir; it was a first-hand look into what these soldiers and special forces go through. His honesty and his way of writing is refreshing and though not everyone may agree with what he says and feels, this book needs to be read. It has affirmed my respect and gratitude for our military, which is something every person in America should experience.

  "Couldn't Get through it" by SJ (see profile) 06/23/09

I really wanted to love this book, but I and several members just could not get past the awful writing. The characters were one-dimentional. Even heros have flaws, but none were described here. I'll wait for the movie.

  "Lone Survivor" by BSkol (see profile) 06/20/10

I wish I could give this more stars, but the writing ruined it for me.

  "Lone Survivor" by annhauber (see profile) 10/14/10

I would never take away from the characters' heroism. That goes without saying. But, I found it very offputting when he blamed all his difficulties on the "liberal" media. The media did not put that group of Seals into an indefensible position where even highly trained as they were, they were sitting ducks. The constant whining was very annoying.

  "A Must for Guys n Girls!" by ercourson (see profile) 01/02/11

An absolutely amazing tale of our American Heros fighting for our country in Afghanistan. I am so glad that Marcus survived to tell the story of his fellow soldiers and the sacrifices they and all our soldiers and their families are making for our country. Just when you think you are having a bad day, think again. Your "bad day" is like eating cotton candy compared to Marcus and company. This tale is also very insightful into the Afghan country and some of its customs. If educating your self about the Afghan area, I also recommend Three Cups of Tea by Greg Morttinson.

  "Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10" by lemonie (see profile) 02/09/11

Fantastic eye opening book.

  "Lone Survivor" by navy10767 (see profile) 04/27/12

This was an exceptional book. It details the single greatest loss of SEAL team members in their history. The tremendous respect and love that Luttrell held for his fellow team members was keenly felt. As the account of the action progresses, and the fight becomes more and more a no win scenario, the absolute will to survive is seen in each of the four team members. Murphy's selfless act won him the Medal of Honor postumously. It is a difficult book to read without emotions getting the better of you. Luttrell's sense of loss is profound. This book is very moving and worth an afternoon.

  "Lone Survivor" by MGabe (see profile) 01/31/14

  "What a story" by mindysauve (see profile) 01/31/14

Our book club rated this 4 out of 5 stars with many members giving it 4.5. I was skeptical that it would spark good discussion, but we had very lively and interesting discussions about not only this story, but wars, soldiers, family in military service. Decision-making during war-time. Moral compass. It was a great book club pick.

  "Lone Survivor" by micheles (see profile) 02/17/14

Unbelievable men of great courage. Everyone should know their story. Book much more informative than movie.

  "Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of Navy Seal Team 10" by mzlinda (see profile) 06/28/14

I liked the book but I also don\\\'t think that it\\\'s right for everyone. If you like military books, I think it\\\'s a good choice. Not necessarily a good book for a book club that hates this kind of book. It was graphic in the descriptions of injuries and the descriptions of the fighting.

It gave an insight to what our soldiers deal with in foreign countries. I really liked that at the end of the book there were pictures of the actual Seals and soldiers that lost their lives. It gave me a face to go with their names.

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