Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
by Barack Obama
Hardcover- $19.89

Nine years before the Senate campaign that made him one of the most influential and compelling voices in American politics, Barack Obama ...

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  "Thought provoking book; will lead to good discussions about race and identity" by clmphd (see profile) 08/14/07

  "Stimulated much political discussion" by llcitro (see profile) 01/17/08

This is a great time to be reading this book to get to know one of our presidential hopefuls. The work gives some interesting insights into Barack's past and how it may have affected his current beliefs and ideology.

  "As the son of a white woman from Kansas and a black man from Kenya, Barak Obama struggles to understand his place in the world." by stargazer (see profile) 11/18/08

Wonderful book with lots of discussion topics including, presidential politics, race relations, the African-American experience vs. the African experience, etc..

  "Dreams of my father" by nhollin (see profile) 11/11/09

This is a beautifully written book about how somehow who is black on the outside but was raised by a white mother and grandparents comes to terms with who he is. This book inspired the most interesting discussion my book group has had with members sharing their own experiences dealing with race as children. Obama is a great story teller and despite being non-fiction, the book is not dry at all but hard to put down.

  "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" by marlagorman (see profile) 11/11/09

This book was well received by all our members. The material
inspired many insightful conversations from everyone. It also
gave us the oportunity to share similar life stories and get to
know each other in more depth.

  "Dreams from my Father" by kimhalti (see profile) 11/11/09

Everyone in our group liked this book. I personally listened to the book on disc version, read by Obama, and I loved it--he does accents and even sings briefly! The book is very thought provoking regarding issues of race and prejudice.

  "Dreams From My Father" by dnelson443 (see profile) 03/05/10

I enjoyed this book and felt that it was very clear where he came from and where he was headed. I think it shows a lot about how and why he runs the country the way he does and how it's not easy to rattle his cage. I thought the book was very interesting and worth the time to read it.

  "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" by lowerhay (see profile) 03/22/11

Good book, but I preferred "The Audacity of Hope" for inspirational material. Not bad for a first effort...

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