Saving Cicadas
by Nicole Seitz
Paperback- $14.58

A novel of unconditional love and the freedom of letting go. When single mother Priscilla Lynn Macy learns she's having another child ...

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  "Saving Cicadas" by madmab2 (see profile) 02/09/10

Nowhere in any description did it tell you what the book was really about.
Yes, there were surprises but I wish I had known what was coming.
This book had an overwhelming Christian element as well as an anti abortion theme.
A book about ghosts, angles and God was not expected. This is Christian fiction. I stopped reading at page 268. I tore the book up and put it in the trash.

  "Saving Cicadas" by tbgcl (see profile) 02/13/10

If I could have given it less than one star, I would have. I will not give this book to anyone, sell it at a garage sale or donate it to a book sale. The only thing worth doing with it is tearing it up for recycling or kindling. No where on the jacket does it indicate that it is an anti-choice fantasy. As the book progresses it becomes more and more preachy and preposterous. I read to the end just to see how far the author would go - pretty far! In the author's note at the end of the book, she says that abortion is the most divisive issue of our time. She calls this book a fable, but it is so simplistic that it does nothing to advance dialogue or find common ground. Our book club "won" it when we joined and now I am wondering if that was a way for someone to spread their fundamentalist Christian propaganda.

  "Unexpected subject matter" by GrandmaNaNa (see profile) 02/24/10

From the outset I could never imagine where the story would lead from the beginning; the ending took me the reader on an unexpected journey of discovery about a subject often taboo even in society today because as Christians I believe abortion to be murder of a child. The way death was described gave me pause as well. But I am glad to have read it, I would not have bought it under usual circumstances but rec'd it in the giveaways so Thank you for the book.

  "I did not like it!" by svoight (see profile) 03/03/10

I did not care for the highly Christian and anti abortion element in the book. I do not care for having religion thrown in my face and I do not feel that the author's emphatic anti abortion views should be pushed onto the readers. I do not recommend this book th others.

  "Everyone in our book club LOVED this book and we are just your average, exceptional everyday women!" by hecachm (see profile) 08/17/10

I am surprised at the previous reviews I just read here. These readers are terribly defensive about the subject matter. I didn't take it the way they did at all. As a matter of fact, I found that those who choose to have an abortion, should be comforted by this way of thinking. I don't think the author is critical of anyone's freedom to choose. She addresses the child's soul. I do believe that she, personally, would be against abortion, but I don't believe she is against women who have to make this very difficult decision. I thought her approach to the subject matter was very tasteful and in no way preachy. I highly recommend this book - especially if you have had an abortion. I think it would bring you great comfort and peace!!!

  "Unpredictable and exciting!" by [email protected] (see profile) 08/22/10

I won this book for our book club a while ago but my month to pick a book isn't until next January. Instead of holding on to it til then I gave it out at the June book club just as an extra read since we don't meet in July. I really didn't expect to like it. One of the members finished it and immediately sent an email saying it was life changing. Of course now we all had to hurry up and read it so we could have a mini book club to discuss it. What a great book with such unexpected characters and delightful twists and turns. Nicole takes a difficult subject and gives it a life of its own. Read this book! You won't be disappointed. The characters are all so very well developed and each plays an important part in the story.

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