The Invisible Ones
by Stef Penney
Paperback- $14.85

In a hospital bed, small-time private detective Ray Lovell veers between paralysis and delirium. But before the accident that landed him ...

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  "a fantastic read" by ebach (see profile) 02/07/12

THE INVISIBLE ONES by Stef Penney is, no exaggeration, a fantastic read. This mystery/suspense book is a keeper; get it in hard cover. And if you’ve read Penney’s other book, THE TENDERNESS OF WOLVES, this book, THE INVISIBLE ONES, is better.

Ray Lovell is a private investigator in England. The book begins with him in the hospital, but he doesn’t remember why he’s there. He’s mostly paralyzed, and he’s delirious. No one knows why. This is the first mystery.

Chapters with this hospitalized Ray alternate throughout the rest of the book with chapters about how this situation came to be. These chapters are told from two points of view: some chapters are of the earlier, able-bodied Ray and other chapters are of JJ, a 14-year-old gypsy.

A man whose daughter had been missing for almost 7 years hired Ray to find her. The man and his daughter are gypsies; Ray, himself, is half gypsy. The daughter married into a gypsy family, of course, so most of the investigation is of them. One of the members of this family is JJ.

Ray finds mystery upon mystery upon mystery. You’ll be guessing throughout, first one guess, then another. You’ll think you’re sure of one solution, then guess again. All your guesses will be wrong.

I loved this book. Really. I’m not easy to please, but THE INVISIBLE ONES is something special, not simply a plot-driven mystery/suspense book.

If you were to force me to say something negative about this book, it would have to be Ray’s attraction to one of the members of the gypsy family. I just don’t see our hero going for that combination of dyed black hair, red lipstick, and red high-heeled shoes, I guess. And he trusts her more than I would; he keeps telling her things that I wish he would keep to himself.

This review is of an advanced reader’s copy of THE INVISIBLE ONES, obtained from Putnam Books through Early Reviewer program.

  "Great twists and turns" by kikilala (see profile) 02/19/12

  "The Invisible One" by annking (see profile) 02/19/12

Great book. Was full of twists and turns, very good.

  "The Invisible Ones" by tinashop (see profile) 09/18/12

  "The Title Says It All." by bayleaf (see profile) 01/04/16

The Invisible Ones provides an interesting and "mysterious" look at a way of life not known to many. I found this book intriguing and it also pulled at my heart. Something to enjoy and discuss.

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