by Aimee Bender
Paperback- $12.06
On the eve of her ninth birthday, unassuming Rose Edelstein bites into her mother's homemade lemon-chocolate cake and discovers she has a ...
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This book started off semi interesting although I was put off by the gloominess at the begining and then throughout. I convinced myself that it would amount to something fascinating, but it left me wanting more at the end. It was a anticlimactic to say the least. I felt bad for all of the characters who seemed to all be in their own little unique, depressed world. It seemed like the only normal one was Josephs friend George. It was a very sad story and they all just ended up unresolved messes amongst themselves. I also completely missed what exactly happened to Joseph. Was he psycho, or beyond this physical world into metamorphosis? Or was Rose seeing things? I thought the author wrote exceptionally well and she developed her characters thoroughly, it was just the closing of the book that I had a problem with. I didn't need a happy ending, just not a dead ending. I didn't get a good sense of closure or resolve to say the least...
On another note, The theme of Rose being able to taste the emotions of others from their food reminded me of “Like Water for Chocolate”...interesting.
Our club had widely varied opinions on this title. All pretty much agreed that much of the writing was lovely, and that it held their attention, and they wanted to finish it. We ended up with lots of 2s and 3s, and a couple 4s. I would recommend it to other clubs, not because everyone will love it, but because it can spark excellent discussion.
Great discussion for a weird book. Starts out great but takes a turn that is hard to believe.
Rose learns at 9 years old that she can read the emotions of the people behind the food she eats. Others in her family are also revealed to have supernatural abilities, but the book isn't interesting enough to overcome the difficulties they encounter.
A couple of members of my book club liked the style and idea behind this novel, while the rest of us found it ultimately unsatisfying. Most of us did not mind the magical aspect of the story, but felt the author could have done more with the main character Rose's ability to sense the feelings of those who cooked for her. The end was a disappointment as questions were left unanswered.
Few people in our group liked this book, many thought it was pointless. As often happens when our group is split in their opinion, it prompted a very lively discussion. For that reason, I found it to be a good choice.
An interesting story that lends itself to good discussions.
Well, well. This was a highly discussable book, particularly based on the fact that not one of the 9 members of our group could really pinpoint what actually happened in the book. The discussion veered from science fiction to autism to psychological disorders back to paranormal. There were some real creepy parts mixed up in normalcy. It was crazy! Even though we didn't have a consensus on the main point of the book, it led to some lively discussion!
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