Prayers for Sale
by Sandra Dallas
Hardcover- N/A

Hennie Comfort is eighty-six and has lived in the mountains of Middle Swan, Colorado since before it was Colorado.� Nit Spindle is just ...

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  "A beautiful quilt of a story" by dmc1230 (see profile) 05/13/09

As they quilt together, Hennie (age 86) and Nit (age 17) become confidants and close friends. The novel is often told via Hennie's stories. She lives in Colorado in the Depression era but recounts life just after the Civil War. The book has sad, tender moments but is ultimately an up-lifting story about love, forgiveness and survival. It is full of authentic verbal images of "mountain talk" but doesn't sound at all forced or corny. Dallas is a master of authentic period details and it makes her characters memorable and lovable. This is a sweet novel!

  "Prayers for Sale" by Angeletti (see profile) 06/17/09

Loved it. Tells about the strenghth of women and men during times of hardship and how they made life-changing decisions that affected everyone's life.

  "Prayers for Sale" by ducci (see profile) 06/17/09

Loved the writing style. Want to read more of Sandra Dallas's books. Reading this book resulted in laughter, tears and good discussion. Our book group members all enjoyed reading it.

Great summer reading.

  "Prayers For Sale" by enyl5 (see profile) 12/16/09

Well researched. The author managed to educate the reader about the life on the western frontier following the Civil War and the dangers of mining for gold. The scences from the quilting club adds authenticity to the storyline without bogging the reader down with minutiae. Does a nice job of conveying that forgiveness is life changing and beneficial for the one granting forgiveness.

  "Wonderful read." by LUVTOGARDEN3 (see profile) 03/30/10

Great book club pick.

  "Prayers for Sale" by Doitl (see profile) 05/12/10

A lovely theme of love and friendship, spanning the ages. The main character shows strength and kindness throughout.

  "Loved it!" by Brobec05 (see profile) 08/04/10

  "Prayers For Sale" by FriendshipSisters (see profile) 08/17/10

Great story of friendship between a young girl and older woman. Truly the Titus 2 principle. Loved the story. Couldn't wait to get from one page to the other. Great book for any book club.

  "Prayers for Sale" by Sassysuzy2 (see profile) 10/27/10

A beautiful story of gentle friendship between an 86 year old woman and young mother. Hennie's sensitive support and encouragement of her young friend strengthens Nit, prepares her for life, and enriches the experience of each and those they love.

  "Prayers for Sale" by hokiegirl (see profile) 11/20/10

Our whole club loved this book! The charcters are interesting and their stories draw you in. You will love it!

  "Chick lit for the quilting set" by dchase21 (see profile) 12/23/10

A decent read, very easy, no thinking involved. A story of friendship, hope and life in the gold mines during The Depression. This is not prize winning literature but it is enjoyable and fun. This book was originally suppose to be a collection of short stories and the disjointed writing reflects the attempt to merge the stories into a novel. The characters are well drawn and you are drawn into their community.

  "A cut above the traditional Christian fiction" by efoster (see profile) 01/02/11

Sandra Dallas tenderly deals with a number of life's issues.

  "An interesting & enjoyable read." by hmlmom (see profile) 03/26/11

  "Prayers for Sale" by Neyly (see profile) 07/10/11

Hennie (age 86) and Nit (age 17) become unlikely friends after Nit and her new husband move to the mining town Middle Swan, CO. in the midst of the depression. Prayers for Sale takes place over the course of a year - more or less. Hennie helps the young bride adjust to life in the mining town while making decisions about her own life. So many topics for discussion that book clubs may talk all night. Prayers for Sale may have been my first book by this author, but it won't be my last.

  "good book" by eshiner (see profile) 08/10/11

  "Prayers for Sale" by mkrupiak (see profile) 08/29/11

This is one of those books that you start reading and it immediately has your attention. I didn't want to put it down. I was grateful it was summer and I could spend more time reading. This was so interesting and it covered every range of emotion from the saddest story to the happiest of moments with lots of humor in between! You won't regret reading this book!!

  "A Heart Warming Story" by nbaker (see profile) 07/25/12

I found this book in the bargain bin and it ended up being worth a fortune. The book covers the life story of one Hennie Comfort and what a "comfort" she truly is to all those around her. It is filled with stories of laughter and tears and brings home the hardships and tribulations lived by those in early America, those who ventured out West and those who gave up all in search of a dream. The theme of quilting is gently woven through out the story like a thread that ties all of the stories together, creating almost a kite string that leads up to the anchor that holds it all in place. As much as Hennie inspires those around her with wisdom, truth and friendship, she carries her own anchor that has weighed heavy on her heart for a lifetime. Her quilted life cannot be complete until she mends the threads that became unraveled in her past. Her journey is insightful and the outcome beautiful and moving.

  "Beautiful relationships" by MichelleJMcIntyre (see profile) 01/02/13

This book gives you a glimpse of an interesting time in U.S. history. The relationships are beautiful and although it's very sad at times, it is generally a nice gentle read.

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