by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Hardcover- $8.48
In this inimitable, beloved classic—graceful, lucid and lyrical—Anne Morrow Lindbergh shares her meditations on youth and age; love and ...
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Enjoyed this book and think women of every age will garner something from the descriptions of life as it relates to the shells of the sea.
A small but powerful book primarily aimed at women, about taking the time for introspection in our hectic lives. Although written in 1955, Linbergh's words are still resonant today. I read this at age 20 and realize now why I didn't connect with this gem then....I had limited life experiences! She eloquently uses various shells she finds on the beach as analogies to different times/phases of our lives. Lindbergh gets to the heart of finding inner peace and living life in a state "of grace" more quickly and beautifully than currently popular books such as Eat, Pray, Love or Tolle's A New Earth. A must read and keeper to refer to again and again.
The issues that Lindberg deals with--the complexity of a woman's life, are generally timeless. Her essays provide plenty of discussion points on relationships, children, marriage and simplicity/multiplicty.
Her observations and insights are just as relevant today as they were in 1955. This is a book I will go to when I need those gentle reminders about balance and serenity.
This book is a gem, one I will cherish all of my days. I will share with all the women that I can for we all seem to walk a slippery slope with the certainty of losing ourselves. I will give these words of wisdom to my daughter so she can recognize and find joy in each of the shells of her life.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh describes this book best herself; "...as a signpost for another way of living. Simplicity of living as much as possible, to retain a true awareness of life. Work without pressure. Space for significance and beauty. Time for solitude and sharing."
Thank you Anne, I will always cherish your words.
This book is beautiful and thought provoking... it's hard to believe Ann Morrow Lindbergh didn't finish typing this on her mac. The issues she writes about are timeless ones. This would not, perhaps be a first choice for my book club- although with a small intimate group of friends it could be a great choice
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