by Bette Lee Crosby
Paperback- $10.99
A MAGICAL LOVE STORY... Memory House, a place where friendship turns to love and love lasts forever.Ophelia Browne knows a memory can ...
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I feel a bit guilty having to give this book only two stars when other reviewers clearly seem to have loved it. Perhaps I had higher hopes for the story, but it seemed a bit simplistic to me -- something along the lines of a Hallmark made-for-TV story. I had difficulty when the chapters moved from first person to third person and then back again and there were times when the author would state ahead of time what was about to happen, as if the reader couldn't figure it out for themselves. I didn't feel that the characters had enough depth to me -- although I did have fun picturing what Miss Ophelia must have looked like (to me I kept picturing my paternal grandmother). I love history, genealogy and antiques, so the premise that items can hold memories of others was both inviting and intriguing. I have many items belonging to loved ones I have lost and the mere sight of them can bring a flood of emotions and memories. I do often sit in some of my old old rockers and even try to envision the host of mothers who have sung their babies to sleep in them. I can line the drawers of old dressers and be filled with thoughts of all of the baby shoes, hand-made presents and love letters they have kept sacred in the past. For the walk down memory lane, I am grateful that I read the story. For future reading material, I fear I may have to look elsewhere.
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