Nineteen Minutes: A novel
by Jodi Picoult
Mass Market Paperback- N/A

The bestselling author of My Sisterâ??s Keeper and The Tenth Circle, Jodi Picoult pens her most riveting book yet, with a startling and ...

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  "Thought provoking book with many sides of the story" by avermeire (see profile) 04/04/07

I am a HUGE fan of Jodi Picoult and was very excited when our book club seleceted this book as our next book. I must tell you that even though it is over 400 pages, I finished the book in 4 days. Instead of wondering who was going to be the next American Idol or who was the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby, I was wrapped up in this story. I would read it as soon as I got home from work, in the car on my way to work at stop lights and decided life would just have to wait in order to complete this book.

Once again Jodi Picoult created such a realistic story that I started to actually feel bad for the main character Peter, even though he did terrible things. I am a school teacher and listening to the accounts of what happened that day really made me think about being aware of my surroundings at school and making sure that each child is protected and monitored. If only someone knew what Peter was feeling, maybe this event could have been stopped.

Whenever someone asked me about my favorite book, I would say, My sister's keeper, but Nineteen Minutes is now tied for 1st place. I hope you too enjoy this great book! Happy Reading!

  "This is a novel about a boy who is bullied to the point of taking a gun to school and shooting some of his classmates." by nklingbeil (see profile) 04/12/07

I thought this book had some very good insights into the mind of a bullied school student who turns his rage on his classmates. It is very interesting to read about the relationship he has with his parents. Picoult does a good job of paralleling the lives of two students who were once best friends.

  "Thought provoking book that you can't put down" by Wendy56 (see profile) 04/25/07

Once again Jodi Picoult does an excellent job of drawing you into the lives of her characters. This was an excellent book on the very important topic of bullying. It definitely makes you reflect on what happens daily to some of the children in our school systems.

  "Awesome Book" by Snickers9432 (see profile) 04/27/07

This book totally moved me, and I actually could feel Peter'
s pain. What a ending, and I thought it was better than my sister's keeper. I would totally recommend this one. This is one of my favorite stories, and I actually couldn't predict the ending.

  "Another amazing book from one of my favorite authors" by am_denijs7 (see profile) 06/21/07

My name came up on the reserve list for this book right before the VA Tech shootings -- crummy timing, right? Needless to say, I was a little morose going into this. But as is typical with all of the Jodi Picoult books I've read so far, I was pulled in immediately. She has such a gift for character development and so accurately describing the most ordinary, inane things in life. I love how she switches between past and present and the different characters. She explores the pain for all characters. It was tragic to see the pain both mothers had for their children. I just love her writing style. And although her books don't tend to be "happy", I do like how thought-provoking they always are.

  "Ok but not her best IMO" by KG2001 (see profile) 07/14/07

  "Difficult subject made bearable as book is well written." by rjbrinks (see profile) 07/23/07

School shooting...really not a light read. This is disturbing any way you look at it but J. Picoult gives the reader some relief from the rawness with, redirection? A subject we should all put more thought into, but really, who WANTS to. Thanks to Picoult we can get thru it.

  "Could not put this down!" by carriebino (see profile) 08/07/07

Gripping from the first chapter. I was a bit overwhelmed when I heard the subject. School shooting are something I always turn the channel on tv to avoid. Just can't stomach the idea. This book was from all point of views. Easy read, because of how she wrote it. Very enjoyable, and worth the purchase.

  "Our discussion was lively and delved deep about social issues" by charladury (see profile) 08/09/07

I enjoyed the author's writing style and was able to easily move through the book, following each character. Each character's motivations were realtively clear. Feelings were adequately described. The story line was interesting and gave the viewpoint of many different sides of the sae incident. I was frustrated that part of the ending was spoiled by the discussion questions on this website. While it was a valid point for discussion, I don't feel it should have been listed where people look for a synopsis of the book.

  "An emotional read, especially for those with children" by jenniferharding (see profile) 08/11/07

This book engages you from the start. The character of Peter is both likable and sinister. You can't help but feel sorry for him and want to save him, all the while hating him for what he has done. The women in my book club are all mothers, so this story struck a chord with all of us. The entire time I was reading the book I was searching my mind for ways to keep my own child from becoming each of the different teenage characters in the book, from the bully, to the passive and insecure girl, to the child who is tortured at school by other kids. At the same time it forces you to analyze yourself as an adult and a parent, "could I allow this behavior to go unnoticed within my own family?" This really is a heart-wrenching story. And while each of us in our book club felt that the ending/resolution of the story left a bit to be desired (it felt as though the author sort of got tired of writing and just decided to do a couple paragraphs to get the book over with) it was definitely a worthwhile read with a shocking twist at the end.

  "Too Real, its scary" by susan48 (see profile) 08/14/07

I would recommend this book. It is good book for discussion.
If You know someone who is a teacher in high school, I reccommend that you give them a copy. The book is about bullying and teenage popularity. The book seems like non-fiction. Until you get to the end, it has a precular twist.
It is hard to read especially if you have children in high school.

  "School shooting- bullying- who's to blame?" by sbreader (see profile) 08/14/07

This book really got me thinking. As a teacher, I was constantly wondering what would have happened if someone had stepped in- would the shooting still have happened? would Peter have changed? would it have saved Josie if someone had stopped her from her hunt for popularity? This was a great book and should be a requirement for school employees!

  "How can you feel empathy for the Killer" by Wits-End (see profile) 10/18/07

Excellent book for discussion. Once again Jodi Picoult as you feel all different types of emotions. She has you feeling sorry for the Killer you can ALMOST understand. Also she continues to give you a surprise emotions

  "Great Discussion Book!" by CCubby45 (see profile) 06/26/08

This book got everyone talking.
Lively discussion about parenting, school systems, guns, friendships, peer pressure, sibling rivalry and bullying.
Very stimulating night of book club for all!

  "Great book for discussion" by Diane860 (see profile) 06/26/08

Most of our book club rated this book very high. This is the second book from Jodi Picoult that our club has read (first book was My Sisters Keeper) and many in the club have read several other of Picoult's books. As a group, we like her style.

The book was a page turner that most of us couldn't put down. We had great discussions about guns and bullying and what happens in our local schools.

  "This book makes you think about what children face in school" by suemoros (see profile) 06/26/08

This book makes you think and worry about schools today.

  "nineteen minutes is a good read" by emptynester (see profile) 09/11/08

Everybody in out book club really loved this book, most could not put it down. One person stayed up until three in the morning reading this book. I loved the characters and the ending. We plan on reading another one of her books in the future.

  "The intricate story behind a high school shooting" by kaco (see profile) 04/01/09

We picked this book for our "community Read", the topic choice had people talking from the beginning. We had to keep telling people to read the book and then they would understand. Once people read the book they came back and the conversations about the parents, students, and main characters didn't stop. It is a thought provoking, conversation starter for parents, educators, and community members as a whole.

  "Life in Fiction" by jiviro (see profile) 07/15/09

Nineteen Minutes is by far one of my favorite Picoult books. The subject matter can be quite upsetting, however, it took me through the minds of "the cool chick", "the geek" and some adults and the devestating tragedy they all must deal with. Wonderfully written.

  "Nineteen Minutes" by jtailele (see profile) 08/11/09

As always, Jodi's books are relevant to today almost to a fault. She brings personalities to people you think you don't even want to know. This was the case of Nineteen Minutes. I did not want to like a boy that would open fire on children in school, and yet I found myself feeling his pain. Also excellent portrayal of the parents in this tragic, real scenario or today's life.

  "Well written but manipulative" by avanta7 (see profile) 08/31/09

Jodi Picoult's story of a school shooting in a small town is so blatantly designed to tug on every heartstring and push every emotional button that it made for an extremely difficult read. Her prose is gorgeous, but I didn't like being manipulated in such a fashion. This is the first book I've read by this author and, by all indications, this sort of emotional blackmail is typical of her style. No, thank you. I have one other title of hers on Mt. TBR. I plan to give it away without even opening the cover.

The book generated some lively discussion at our meeting, so it's good for that at least. I still won't recommend it to anyone.

  "Toxic Subject for Book Group Discussions" by JustMe (see profile) 08/31/09

This is my first read by Jodi Picoult and I found it lacking in several areas. I think Picoult is a fine writer. There are some really poignant insights in here, even if she does, at times, get a bit redundant and over-analytical. But in this book, she really needed a primary focus. It seemed like she was throwing everything heart wrenching into the pot. It was a hard read for many of our members as the subject matter of bullying has touched many lives negatively since time began. If you can handle the bullying I would recommend it only for a personal read. It seems to gloomy for a group read.

  "Heavy subject matter but very interesting." by LauraAdams (see profile) 09/08/09

I really liked this book. It certainly made you understand how the perpetrator of a school shooting could be a victim as much as the actual shooting victims. Makes you question who is actually to blame or partially to blame for the makeup of these "killers" and with things handled differently in their lives, would they have ever gotten to that point? Very good book for a book club discussion. Sure to bring out many differing opinions.

  "19 Minutes" by eshiner (see profile) 10/15/09

Gives some insight into childhood conflict and bullying. Some of the relationships in the book are unnecessary and the ending is pitiful given the reality this story is based loosely upon.
However, it is well written and interesting. Very sad and thought provoking to say the least.

  "Nineteen Minutes" by whitneybug84 (see profile) 12/02/09

This book was enjoyable and informative. Like most of Picoult's books there is a twist. Her subject matter was very controversial and you could tell she did her research on how cases are tried in a court of law. I love the fact that she told the story from different points of view. Again, Jodi Picoult never displeases.

  "Nineteen Minutes" by mgenduso (see profile) 01/17/10

  "Great book that will get you talking." by marchi04 (see profile) 05/18/10

It is a very interesting book which makes you look at events from all points of view. My attention was kept through out the book and I was wondering what would happen next. The book starts off with a bang and continues on telling the story from before and after. I had never read a book that jumped around so much but once I got use to the writing it was a very touching book. Defiantly will get people talking about what they thought.

  "Piccoult has a formula for current news topics" by gymbackmom (see profile) 09/04/10

  "Classic Picoult" by adufrain (see profile) 10/04/10

If you love Jodi Picoult, then you will love 19minutes. Story about a mother's love, and the loyalty of friendship. Great read, great story. a little slow at times, but a very good book

  "19 minutes" by lorrainesch27 (see profile) 02/27/11

  "Nineteen Minutes" by sharonpearson (see profile) 04/03/11

I couldn't put this book down. In this day and age bullying is a very serious problem. This led to a very good discussion at our meeting. Our book club rated it overall an 8 out of 10. I personally didn't like the ending!!

  "I'm done reading this author - too predictable" by valeriehall (see profile) 06/21/11

While this is better than what she has put out lately, I would suggest you read an earlier book of Picoult's - they were either better when she first started writing or they are all the same, so pick one or two and then you've read them all.

  "Nineteen Minutes" by vtreader (see profile) 07/21/11

I enjoyed this book as I've enjoyed the other Jodi Picoult books I've read. It was a fast read that gave you a lot to think about. The subject matter was very dark and you couldn't help but think about your own high school experience. That the book referenced so many real life school shootings and tragedies just made it that much more compelling.

  "Not a hit at book club" by LDober (see profile) 05/23/12

Less than 1/2 the club finished it. Afterward, we made our first book club rule....NO books about kids shooting up schools!

  "Amazing" by ericalyn (see profile) 07/18/12

Very interesting to see multiple perspectives from all of the characters in the book and brilliantly crafted how the author can jump around in the story to before, during, and after the incident. After the story you feel such a connection with the characters that it's hard to believe they are fictional.

  "Nineteen Minutes" by kdangle17 (see profile) 09/22/12

  "Worth the Read " by ThePageTurners (see profile) 06/12/13

Jodi Picoult is an excellent storyteller.

  "" by Tiffanypridmore (see profile) 05/12/15

  "" by jmanley (see profile) 09/20/17

  "" by mblough (see profile) 04/01/23

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 08/15/24

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