by Julie Lessman
Paperback- $13.17
She’s found the love of her life. Unfortunately, he loves her sister. As World War I rages across the Atlantic, a smaller war is brewing in ...
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Faith thought she knew her sister- until she finds her in the bushes with the man Faith loves. From page one the rift can only grow wider as these two sisters battle for the same man. The trials in this Irish American family only escalate as loving sisters turn on each other, their love for the same man bringing out the absolute worst in their relationship. Pushing all involved to the breaking point.
This was my first book by Julie Lessman and I was not disappointed. This book is long, 477 pages and I didn’t know if she could hold the tension through the entire novel. I was never bored during one page during the story. There were times I felt I was eavesdropping on the characters, my heart breaking at times and others so mad I could have throttled one or two myself. There is something to be said of an author who draws forth a reader’s emotions, Julie knows how to wield that all too fine tool and does it masterfully. This book certainly does seep passion from nearly every page, albeit appropriate, nothing sensual, but she knows how to spark the imagination and captivate the reader into the story. Never was I sorrier to see a book come to it’s end. I am so glad there is a sequel!
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