Under the Blue
Paperback- $18.74

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  "Hope Nicely's Lessons for Life " by sbilsby (see profile) 07/12/22

I couldn’t put the book down, and I’m not too sure why. Yes I liked the story and even grew to like the characters. At times the author jumped so much I had to put aside all my questions and roll with it, the ending was the same, I went scroll to the next page but there wasn’t another page. The story felt incomplete but kept me captivated. I would give it a 7/10.

I wasn't drawn into this book straightaway. It's not one I would normally pick. I wasn't keen on having the two strands, they seemed to interrupt each other to start with. It was better as it went on.
I liked the idea that the pandemic was caused by global warming and the ending was clever. Harry seemed a bit of an idiot and I'm not sure he could have buried the cow in that way. I liked the robot. He told it like it is, humans never do the best for the planet, just the best for themselves. Mainly I enjoyed it and give it 7.

This was a very interesting read! I started this book without any idea of the genre, and during the first chapter I thought that this was going to be a very different sort of book. The end of the first chapter felt like a nice twist. I really liked the dual perspective of Harry and the scientists. although the interaction with the computer dragged sometimes, and I found myself skimming those bits. I enjoyed the pace of the book overall, and I was always genuinely curious as to what the ending would be. The characters were interesting and likable. The only downside for me was the fact that some questions were raised and not answered, such as Harry remarking that the relationship between the two sisters seemed odd. I expected an explanation for that. It was a bleak ending, but I would be interested in reading a sequel! 8/10

I enjoyed Under the Blue. I found the main character's (Harry's) personality really original and interesting, as was his uncomfortable relationship to the two girls. It was funny that he didn't notice the pandemic starting... working from home I can empathize with that possibility.
The development of the AI was suitably unnerving.
I think it could have been made clearer what was happening at times (in particular with the people working with the AI and the ending) but overall I found this to be a good page turner. 7/10.

A very brief “6” from me. Wasn’t the most exciting read but I read it and was interested throughout. I do have a penchant for a post apocalyptic novel, so this was a good choice.

I did enjoy this book and found it hard to put down. I found the first part with the robot a bit boring but the rest of the book was very interesting. It made you think just how we are ruining this beautiful world we live in. It was strange how the book was written before Coronavirus hit us.

I found the main characters very interesting and could identify with them. It shows how Coronavirus/or other, without any medical help could just about wipe out humanity. A very scary thought.

Although I found the robot went over the same ground over again and again (and I did read it all) I still enjoyed the rest of the book to the extent of giving the book 8/10

I did not enjoy this book at first, I found it difficult to understand. However, I carried on and eventually rather enjoyed the story about the man and two women, who were trying to get to Africa away from the nuclear reactors. I found this part of the story enjoyable, if rather frightening as it was rather realistic. The computers however, I found difficult to understand and found them less interesting. The story about the pandemic and global warming is of course very up to date and certainly makes us think about the future. I would not call this book enjoyable exactly, but certainly interesting. The only drawback being the muddled writing about the computers. I would score it - 5

I really enjoyed this book and appreciated how the various strands of a pandemic, artificial intelligence development and the challenges of a global warming were woven together. I was actually more interested in the development of the robot's intelligence and particularly how the concept of ethics gradually evolved - something that seems to have bypassed our government! Interesting to see how individuals might or might not cope with global warming. I found it an absorbing read and would give it 7 out of 10.

Chris, Yvonne and Mabe
Chris skip read parts and gave it 5. Yvonne and Mabe didn't read enough so no score

Average score was 6.5

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