The Trivia Night: the shocking must-read novel for fans of Liane Moriarty
by Ali Lowe
Hardcover- $28.28

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  "The Trivia Night" by sbilsby (see profile) 12/19/22

I found this book easy to read, and undemanding in terms of the following the plot. I did find it quite engaging as a light read, but I can’t say that I liked any of the characters at all. The parts about the school/ parental politics were believable, but I wasn’t so sure about the swinging. I’m not sure that added anything much to the mix. I read to the end but I wasn’t gripped. And of course, poor pup.
I’d give this a 5/10

This book is written in first person perspective with the main protagonists being Amanda Blackland, Alice Daniels and Zoe Makin. The benefits of books written in first person perspective are as long as they are well written it makes you feel that you are being spoken to by the protagonist and it can create more of a bond between yourselves and them. If there are several protagonists you also get to see more of what is going on.

This book is extremely well written with vivid descriptions that really set the scene and kept me on the edge of my seat. The cover and synopsis suited the storyline perfectly.

An absolutely must read, addictive, unputdownable and memorable page turner!!!

Love, LOVE, LOVED this absolute page turner!! It may be the first book I have read by Ali but I can promise you it won't be the last!!! As soon as I've written this up I'm off to add all her books to my wishlist. The storyline is absolutely ram packed with mystery, tension, lies, romance, suspense and OMG the twists just kept on coming again and again!!! Every time I kept telling myself one more chapter the one I was in ended at a point where there was no way I could stop reading so I absolutely devoured it in one sitting!! I absolutely LOVED the school setting which made this book all the more realistic. I loved the unique storyline, an absolutely fantastic idea for a book. I WAS absolutely blown away by the twists and considering I read approximately 30 books a month that is certainly no easy feat so a HUGE congratulations on that Ali. If you are looking for something unique, filled with suspense and that will blow your mind then this is definitely the book for you!! This book really does go to show how one night and one idea can change so many lives.

I absolutely love the fact that this book is written in several different formats which is another reason it is so unique as I have never seen a book that does this. Amanda's perspective is written as if she is speaking to the reader, we see Zoe's perspective from emails that she has written to her sister and Alice's perspective is told to us via a transcript taken in the office of a Dr Martha Davis. It is a fantastic way to write a book and makes it all the more realistic. I also loved the addition of the table plan for the trivia night for table 6 at the start of the book.


I wasn't just 100% invested in the storyline but also in the characters. Every single one of the characters were well defined, realistic and strong. They all had their good and bad sides and I enjoyed watching how the different women reacted to each other at the school, the event and afterwards. My heart absolutely went out to a few of the characters. I can't say I felt sorry for all the characters but I also won't say anymore as I don't want to spoil it for future readers. I loved how Ali brought the characters to life and many are so realistic to what parents at school runs and events are genuinely like. However, you can't get along with everyone and each of these characters had the perfect personalities to make this book as addictive as it was!! These characters were so strong with such large personalities they won't be forgotten by me anytime soon!!

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Ali on what promises to be a massive best seller!!! I WAS absolutely blown away by the twist was absolutely shocking!!! I can't say anything else but when you've read it you'll know!!! Welcome to my favourite author list Ali and here's to your next explosive success ????!!!

Overall an absolutely addictive, mind blowing page turner filled with secrets, romance, family, friends, suspense, tension and everything you could want in a book that will keep you up with a racing heart until you've finished!!!

Well I read this book in one sitting, I just couldn’t put it down. I struggled a little with Amanda, I couldn’t quite workout what was going on with her, but connecting her story to her mothers cleared that up. I enjoyed moving between the women every chapter, getting to know their viewpoint of what happened at trivia night. The author did well to change the style of voice for the different characters narrating their chapters. Just for personal preference Zoe’s chapters annoyed me a little as she often wen off on a tangent, but overall I really enjoyed this book and loved the letter at the end written by the arch nemesis Victoria.
Overall an 8/10 from me.

I found this book very easy to read, but with a cast of unlikeable characters. During the course of the book, they changed from fun loving swingers to regretful self righteous housewives and husbands. Somehow they all regretted their part in the trivia night. I thought the story was fairly weak, the only twist being the murder of Victoria's husband at the beginning of the story.
This book would not encourage me to read any other book by this author.
I should deduct a point as the dog died, but will give it a 4 as I think it is an easy non-demanding read .

I didn't really like this book and found it hard to get into. I thought I might have to give up but it was a little better after the trivia night. I thought it was too long, unbelievable and the characters were unlikable. The ending was quite predictable as well. I give it 3.

I couldn’t put this book down. I was drawn in by all the characters and their various problems straight away, and the writer very skilfully drip-fed the information, so we got the whole picture piece by piece. The protagonists were very flawed, but relatable and likeable. Victoria was a fascinating character, and you could tell from the beginning that there was more to her than met the eye. Even though I guessed the ending, it was still highly satisfying to read, and the foreshadowing was woven well into the story. I would definitely read more of this author’s work! 10/10

Well haha???? a lot happened in this book. I feel like it was terrible but so entertaining I enjoyed it anyway! The most (only?) realistic part was the portrayal of the cliquey school mum groups. I don't really know what Ali Lowe was aiming for. It was a strange mix of ludicrous and sad events. The explicit sex chapter was beyond cringe and I was so glad that didn't continue for the whole book. Victoria's character was the most bizarre of all. Why was she so demonic? Overall a page turner, but mainly out of disbelief. 6/10 from me.

I don't know where to start with this review. The story line of partner swapping shenanigans was not my type of read at all but the actual story line was compelling as I wanted to see how it all turned out and so I read it to the end.
I give it 4.

Well I'm not quite sure what to make of this. It was easy to read and I certainly wanted to know what happened in the end and it was interesting inasmuch as I have no experience of this sort of behaviour myself! I did find it difficult to keep up with who was married to who in the beginning and then when I had mastered that I got confused all over again by who was doing what with who. Found the ending quite trite. Overall well written and enjoyable in a strange kind of way so I will give it a 6.

Overall score of 6.5

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