The Gifts: A Novel
by Liz Hyder
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  "The Gifts by Liz Ryder" by sbilsby (see profile) 07/11/23

I must say I was not taken by this story. I’m uncertain what the point of the whole book was. I believe it could have been a series of novels exploring so much more than the surface of the characters and the mismatch story. While I did enjoy the authors style of writing that is all I’ve taken from it.

Unfortunately it’s a 2/10 for me.

I did manage to finish this book, using quite a lot of speed reading. This was because I found it rather boring at times. There were several interesting characters, but these were not developed. The story jumped from theme to theme and between characters to such an extent that the individual stories got lost. Unfortunately I found that although this was an interesting idea, it was not well developed. As a whole I felt that the book could have been a great deal shorter, I certainly lost interest at times. The stories of the 2 angels might have been interesting, had it been given more time. I would give it a mark of 3

Given that this book was a fantasy about women growing wings I did still quite enjoy it and found it easy to read. I thought Edward was a strange mix of religion and science. He seemed reasonable at the start but became increasingly unhinged as the story progressed. I wasn't comfortable with him cutting off the woman's wings. The four women were strong. The ending was a bit too neat and I found it hard to imagine Etta flying about. I suppose it was about women overcoming obstacles put in place by men and living their own lives. I give it 7.

This is the most I've enjoyed a book in ages. A gothic, feminist, fantasy novel with interesting characters and a very original plot. I was hooked all the way through. 9/10.

I didn’t expect to enjoy this book, but I was intrigued from the start. Suspending disbelief, I found the story engaging, and I was rooting for the strong female characters from the start. I didn’t read deeply into the story, I just enjoyed it for what it was, which was a well-told tale with a twist. I did skim through the stories told by one of the main characters as I found they didn't add much to the actual story.
Awful about the dogs of course, but I was able to get past this and I’m glad I did. 8/10

I wasn't quite sure what to think of this when I first started it. It did take a while for me to get into but I persevered longer than I normally would due to the unique storyline. I'm pleased that I did as although I didn't love to I did quite enjoy most of it, although not all. It was definitely something different to the genres I am used to and it's always nice to have a change now and again! The characters were all very strong with their own individual personality and different lives and Liz really captivated each of their differences perfect. Her evocative writing skills dragged me deep into the storyline where I could see everything come to life. It was also very thought provoking and intriguing with its subject matter. I enjoyed reading from the different characters perspectives although it did take me a while to get into who was who which was frustrating at times. I absolutely despised the animal cruelty which I found unnecessary and didn't help my enjoyment of the book at all, doing just the opposite. I enjoyed the multiple themes written throughout the book which were interesting. Although hard to score this one for multiple reasons as some parts I enjoyed, others I hated I think it will have to be a 5/10 for me

Average score is 5.5

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