by Jean Kwok
Hardcover- $27.00
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Can remember that I liked the book and that I gave it an 8 but struggling to remember the plot. Think I found the ending a bit overdramatic!
I score it a 7
I enjoyed the book. I found the story to be a bit predictable, but it was well written and kept my interest to the end (although that was a little too much of a fairy tale for my liking). There was a lot of potential in the storyline, but I think overall this remained an easy to read novel rather than anything too profound. For instance, I found the issues relating to adoption, especially around culture, to be interesting and thought the book only really touched the surface of these. Overall I would give this an 8.
7/10 for me not finished yet so not a complete review, sorry
I enjoyed this book and loved the story line.
I didn't want to put the book down and would certainly recommend it to friends. I give it 8/10
I found the Leftover Woman to be quite readable and finished it quite quickly. I think I was expecting it to be more of a thriller. The characters weren't particularly likeable. It was clever, I hadn't guessed that Jasmine was the nanny.
I give it 6.
I found this book easy to read and the subject interesting. It was sad that women had to give up their babies because they were girls rather than the boy that their husband wanted. The wishes of the man was the only important thing and he made up his mind what should happen to the female child
Jasmine thought she had found the perfect way of looking after Fiona and Fiona was very fond of her. However she had no control of the men in her life and certainly not of the Snake heads.
The story progressed to a satisfactory conclusion although I found the characters rather bland. It was obvious that the child would be well looked after but I just found everyone unlikeable. I would score this book 6
Jean's amazing, beautiful and evocative writing skills really brought everything to life all throughout this fantastic book dropping you straight into the storyline where you will see, feel and hear everything that the characters are thinking, feeling, seeing and hearing including these absolutely amazing characters that I will not be forgetting for a very long time, if I ever do!!! This book really has been one of the best and most memorable books I have ever read!!! With a fast paced storyline filled with drama, love, family, friendship, emotion, twists, secrets, gangsters, revenge, a mothers love and so, so much more what are you waiting for? Jean weaves so many important themes into this remarkable story including, but no limited to, motherhood, illegal immigration, culture, love, family, law, race, identity and so much more!! Being a mother myself my heart went out to both Jasmine and Rebecca and this book really does make you feel so grateful if you are not limited to laws such as China's One-Child ones. I must admit I have heard of this before although have not really thought much about it in terms of the affects it must have on people until I read this book and I think it is brilliant how Jean has brought such a large and important yet not much talked about law from China into this book and spread awareness of it. Jean's writing skills are truly captivating and regardless of where or when you are reading this she will transport you to New York and next to Jasmine and/or Rebecca at the turn of the page where their emotions jump put of the pages and into her readers. It really is a true emotional rollercoaster ride rammed with hope, love, heartache, joy, friendship, despair, anger and so much more so make sure you have those tissues at the ready!! I genuinely could not put this book down and ended up devouring it in one sitting of several hours!! A truly remarkable and atmospheric page turner that will keep any reader hooked from beginning to end!! I am definitely looking forward to reading more books by this very talented author! With an absolutely gorgeous and unforgettable storyline ram packed with emotions, isolation, love, family, dedication, fears, difficult decisions, friendship, heartache, loneliness, care, loyalty, hope, dreams and so, so much more!! It has everything plus even more than you could ever ask for in a beautiful book so what are you waiting for? I would also like to add that I loved how strong both of the female protagonists are and being female myself I always enjoy seeing women like this shine through in novels showing strength, determination and more including the fact that several of the females in this book looked out for each other when the tides turned. It is such a down to Earth and realistic everyday storyline but one filled with emotions that I could see it all play out in front of my eyes. Jean covers a number of sensitive topics as previously mentioned and weaves it all into a beautiful storyline covering each of the topics sensitively whilst also highlighting the difficulties people struggle with each. Jean does an amazing job of creating such realistic characters so we see and feel what they are feeling and doing throughout the storyline while also living their lives along with them. Every single one of the characters are realistic, well developed and strong. The fact that Jean genuinely cares about her characters absolutely shines through the book as does the fact that she has done plenty of research or has experience about a variety of topics. It is a pet hate when an author does little or no research into their chosen topics as it then runs the risk of their books being littered with mistakes and spoiling what could otherwise be a very good story but Jean has completely avoided this by doing plenty of research! The storyline was realistic which I always prefer as it makes it more enjoyable to read when you can see that it is something that could happen. This book is well constructed and was absolutely ram packed with so much going on that you will just fly through the pages!!! It is multi layered with all the fantastic characters backgrounds and personalities coming out and each and every character has their own personalities. It was a very compelling and addictive read!!! The storyline is absolutely unique having never come across anything like it before and I doubt I will again. I have read hundreds and hundreds of books so it is getting so difficult to find a book with a unique storyline but Jean absolutely managed not only that but a storyline I truly believe will stay with me for life!
Definitely a 10/10 from me!!!
Average Score : 8 out of 10
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