The Silence Project
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  "The Silence Project" by sbilsby (see profile) 11/26/23

I absolutely loved this book and thought it was well worth it to pay a little bit more rather than get a 99p book on Amazon. The biography style prose with footnotes and links almost had me wondering if this was a real world event that I'd somehow missed. There was so much emotional depth to the story, and I really felt the protagonist's conflict and turmoil, and the insidious nature of the Community was so cleverly written. The moral message felt clear without being heavy handed.

I'm sorry the silence project is not my kind of read.
I'm not into cults and I found it rather boring in parts .
Score 3

Another fairly easy to read book. Stupidly I started at the beginning and not read the bit at the end, where it tells you that this is a story when I started the book it was so convincing that I googled a couple of things I thought the book seemed very real. I can see it happening. It would have ruined the girls life and although she did it for good reason - it wasn't good for everyone working for the charity later in life was an error for her daughter as she was not comfortable with her mothers notoriety.
I enjoyed the book, it was well thought out and the author quite cleverly made it seem real.
I will score it 8

I am sorry to say that I only managed 130 pages. I found this book so boring and unbelievable that I just couldn't read any more. I will give it 3/10

I didn't really enjoy The Silence Project. It took quite a while to read and I found it quite hard going. The last third was better but it just wasn't my thing. I give it 5

I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, Hailey attempted to create a world with very different values from the one we live in. I just couldn't buy into the premise that a cult which promotes suicide would become mainstream and powerful in our society. On the other hand, I did enjoy some of her writing, specifically her description of the rainforest in the Congo.
I also never felt like I had properly understood - or that she had properly explained - what the actual purpose of the silence project was. Overall I think that although Hailey is a potentially good writer, the plot was too ambitious and required me to suspend belief too much for it to work. 5/10

A very different read for me and one which I enjoyed. I liked that it was written as a biography and was drawn into it from the start.
I will give it 8

This was a very well written book, so much so that it really did feel as though I was reading about a real event and I had to keep reminding myself that it was fiction! I found the story interesting and it held my attention until the end when it was extremely disappointing that the issue of Rachel's diaries came up again and it was clear that Emilia had not read them when they were first given to her. I found the fact that she had not done so frustrating and difficult to understand as they would have given her so much more of an insight into what Rachel really wanted to achieve rather than listening to her followers views without being able to correct them. It shows clearly that followers of any particular belief system can distort or pervert the teachings to suit themselves and explains how vastly different religions for example develop from one set of basic premises. So, it was interesting and different but the ending was so frustrating that I can only give it a 6 out of 10.

Average Score 6 out of 10

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