by Ernest Hemingway
Paperback- $9.98
The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works. Told in language of great simplicity and power, it is the story of an ...
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While there was a mixed response from the group (a couple of women did not like reading about "fishing")most agreed that this book did provoke thoughts on life and aging and that the simplicity of the writing is one of Hemingway's strengths.
This is the first time I have read this book, although I have read Hemingway before. Reading Hemingway's style was refreshing, but if you are used to reading a more complicated narrative, you may find yourself getting a little frustrated with the simple flowing style of his writing. The story is sweet, and there are many different topics that can be discussed, including religious metaphors, which makes this a great book for discussion.
I hated this book in school, and hated it again as an adult. I have no idea why this ever was considered great literature--maybe i am not sophisticated to understand it. Hemmingway's writing style is awful.
I know this book isn't for everyone, but I really enjoyed how it brought up aging, and made me think about my own life, mortality, etc. I think the book is quite brilliant that way.
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