The Point of It All: A Lifetime of Great Loves and Endeavors
by Charles Krauthammer
Hardcover- $19.11

Created and compiled by Charles Krauthammer before his death, The Point of It All is a powerful collection of the influential columnist's ...

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  "A magnificent homage to a great mind!" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 02/11/19

The Point of It All: A Lifetime of Great Loves and Endeavors, by Charles Krauthammer, author; David Krauthammer, editor and narrator
This book pays homage to a man with a great mind and heart. The world lost him too soon for he had much more to give. Born a Jew, he remained a Jew until he died. He showed respect for his religion, his life and his loved ones, consistently. He was not a man who vacillated between good and evil; he always tried to be just in his discussion of all issues. Charles Krauthammer could grant lucidity to any subject he chose. Regardless of whether you agreed with his position or not, his essays were always easy to follow and his presentation of ideas was logical. Emotion never dominated his essays; only his intellect controlled the words he put on paper. Overcoming his great handicap with the optimism and good nature he showed to the outside world, was additional proof of this man’s bravery and inner strength. Paralyzed when in medical school, in a freak diving accident, he went on to graduate as a psychiatrist and then became a renowned journalist respected by all who knew him or knew of him.
When he was stricken with Cancer, and he thought he would survive, he spent 10 months in the hospital upbeat and expecting to continue his career as a journalist for The Washington Post and a contributor on Fox News. Sadly, although he made progress, and was thought to get well, his cancer became aggressive and took the life of this dignified gentlemen whose words reached the ears of millions and the eyes of many more. No one who read any essay by him could come away untouched by his love of country and honor. His humor, honesty, morality and devotion to ethics and values was evident in all he wrote, even when the subject was controversial. He was never afraid to tackle the most contentious of subjects. Often, his older essays are prescient and reflect the issues of our current day. They are insightful and easy to read. It feels almost like one is having a private conversation with this eloquent man.
In his essays, there is something for everyone. He is conservative, but with a strong liberal and clear mind. His compassion is obvious, in his writings, and one easily understands how anything else would be impossible owing to the life he led. He covers such subjects as abortion, euthanasia, suicide, health care, civil rights, climate change, disability, politics, the freedom of speech, political correctness, immigration, affirmative action, diversity, social media, dictatorships, totalitarianism, and more.
When Charles Krauthammer discovered that his recovery would not come to pass, he faced it with his usual integrity and courage. He asked his son Daniel to complete the book he was writing. He had compiled a series of essays for this, his last book already. In some cases, Daniel had to make some editorial changes, but knowing his father as well as he did, as close as they were, he was true to his nature. As he narrates the audio book, it is easy to forget it is Daniel and not Charles, himself, reading it. Yet when he gives the eulogy at the end, it is obvious that it is the son and not the father, in the message and in the voice of the presenter.
Every essay stands alone as a testament to the brilliant, compassionate, analytical mind of Charles Krauthammer. The world misses his level headed analysis of the most difficult subjects.

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