Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite
by Peter Schweizer
Hardcover- $17.99

Washington insiders operate by a proven credo: when a Peter Schweizer book drops, duck and brace for impact.

For over a decade, the work of ...

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  "Finally an honest book portraying the hypocrisy on the left!" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 02/05/20

Profiles in Corruption, Peter Schweizer, author; Charles Constant, narrator
Political corruption in the swamp is not concentrated in one political party. However, Peter Schweizer has chosen to write a book detailing and exposing the corrupt behavior of many of the Progressives who tout themselves as America’s saviors, as the knights that can gallop in and save the world from the despots on the right, from the Republicans and Trump and anyone associated with them. His research has uncovered shady deals, nepotism and incestuous behavior in government transactions. The naked eye would never see these things, not only because of a complicit left leaning press which hides the faults of the left, but because the trail to the underhanded business deals and appointments that enrich themselves, their friends and their families is hidden in secret business deals which are often in the names of people associated with the politician, that do not have to disclose their business dealings in any but the most superficial manner.
These people featured in the book (Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, the Sanders and the Clintons, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, Sherrod Brown and Eric Garcetti), all believe they can save America from a man they, and the press, have consistently demonized, President Donald Trump. They have also defamed his family, pointing fingers in all directions, claiming corruption, tax evasion, criminal behavior, crony capitalism, a violation of the Emoluments Clause, incompetence and anything else they could think of to shame them. Yet, these people have ghosts in their own closets and have made deals that are the same as, or worse than, those that they are accusing others on the right of doing. Schweizer readily admits that there are those on the right who also use the political system to benefit themselves, but I, the reader am well aware that many on the right have already been showcased, trashed and splashed over all the headlines from the left leaning media world, without a corresponding effort to cover those on the left doing the exact same kind of thing, or worse, to financially help themselves and their families without leaving a discernible trail to follow.
In his book, he attempts to show that these very same individuals throwing rocks at the Republicans, claiming to be far more virtuous, actually live in glass houses and are perhaps only far better at hiding their shameful nepotism and incestuous dealings with relatives, corporations, criminals, and anyone or any business that can positively influence their career and future. Donations definitely help to put a politician in your corner, even if the politician rails against you and your business, in public. In private, politicians are schizophrenic! They have more than one side! Their relatives, business associates and/or opportunities, friends, girlfriends, etc., were all put in positions of power and influence once they were elected.
Schweizer’s powerful in depth research has connected the dots to show the hidden deceptive behavior. These politicians have used every trick in the book to benefit themselves while shielding the information that would prove it. The route is therefore circuitous and the reader has to draw their own conclusions as to their motives. Politicians accept money from groups they publicly disavow when it serves their purpose, and they make excuses to explain away the opposition’s questions about their somewhat secretive, dubious arrangements. It is hard, therefore, to trace the money with perfect accuracy, but all the people Schweizer has featured have quietly enriched themselves. Many have even dealt with unsavory characters to do so. They get away with it because of a complicit press which ignores their behavior, coupled with a school system that brainwashes the student body by pushing a curriculum drowning in Progressivism rather than in the teaching of critical thought!
This book will not please many liberals, but it should be read by all of them so that they can see that the crimes and behavior they constantly criticize Trump and his family for actually often pale when compared to some of what has been done and hidden by Progressives and Democrats in the spotlight now.

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