Citizen 865: The Hunt for Hitler's Hidden Soldiers in America
by Debbie Cenziper
Hardcover- $13.99

The gripping story of a team of Nazi hunters at the U.S. Department of Justice as they raced against time to expose members of a brutal SS ...

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  "The Hunt For War Criminals Continues" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 02/14/20

Citizen 865, Deborah Cenziper, author; Robert Fass, narrator
The book is interesting, but it doesn’t shed much more light on the Holocaust for me. However, it does examine a subject of which I was not knowledgeable, as it also explored the lives of the people who continued to hunt down Hitler’s hidden war criminals for years after the war had ended. These investigators searched for evidence about the Nazis of a small town, Trawniki, in Poland.
In Trawniki, there was a school to train men to kill, to annihilate, to rid the world of Jews. The investigators involved in the search for these Nazi criminals, who escaped into the US, did not have the profile of Simon Wiesenthal, but they believed that all those who slipped through the net should be brought to justice before they died. They believed that none should be allowed to live out the rest of their lives in comfort, in the USA, after the reprehensible things they had done and the murders they had either committed or witnessed silently.
The investigations began decades ago, but they didn’t get resolved until the 21st century began. The process was way too slow and accomplished too little because these despicable murderers had hidden their tracks very well for decades, without ever being caught or questioned. When finally there were investigations, and they were apprehended, there was difficulty getting proof of their complicit actions with Hitler’s regime, because the countries involved were unwilling to share information, and the lies they had told, so often, were now believed.
Some of the names of the investigators and the accused, will be recognized by the reader; there were both prominent lawyers and prominent war criminals. However, some will be more obscure, as well. To be sure, though, all of the accused were homicidal maniacs who hated Jews and participated in their extermination. They were guilty and many were ultimately deported. Others, however, died before justice could be done and remained in America until their deaths. The wheels of justice turned too slowly.
The book is informative and worth reading, however, it is a bit repetitive and disorganized. The audio narrator does a good job without taking over, which he could have, because it is an emotionally charged story, more so because it is true!

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