The Beauty in Breaking: A Memoir
by Harper Michele
Hardcover- $27.00

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  "Exposes Injustice and Inspires Change" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 02/08/21

The Beauty in Breaking: A Memoir, Michele Harper, author; Nicole Lewis, narrator
In spite of efforts to thwart her desire to heal, to rise up the ranks in the medical profession because she was highly qualified, well trained and filled with the compassion to do a better job than many already in the field, she soldiered on and on, always grasping hope from the mouth of despair. Turned down for a job no one else applied for, a job for which she was perfect, she did not quit, she simply moved on to a place she hoped to fare better. She brought her healing hopes to the VA Hospital. She works to aid those less advantaged, people of color, women and men who are underrepresented, prisoners who are not afforded basic civil rights, women who are abused and ignored, women who were refused the same rights that men were happily afforded in some instances, even when roadblocks were placed before her. Michele Harper is the Emergency Room doctor we all hope to find if we are in a traumatic situation that brings us there.
Michele Harper has written a compelling book, in beautiful prose, with clarity and compassion. It is through her eyes that we glimpse the world of those in pain, those who need help in the direst of situations, if not in all eyes, then at least in their own, that is certain. She guides those she can, to better health, calms those who need support, and comforts those who have lost all hope. From the words on the pages of this book, one can only admire this woman who seems largely selfless and without animus toward anyone. Her desire is to heal.
There are moments highlighted, when one learns that she understands, as a woman of color, the plight of those less fortunate, less advantaged, and there are moments when she promotes the ideas of male toxicity and systemic racism with which some readers may not agree, but she uses examples of such injustice to fortify her reasons for these beliefs. They are anecdotal, and they are colored by the opinions of someone who has experienced a large dose of some of the abusive behavior she describes. The readers can draw their own conclusions regarding her philosophy, but they can not dispute the humanity of this woman or her efforts to heal and save all those who come before her with a grace and kindness, a sincere interest and effort to better the world through the influence of love. Her confidence and courage is inspiring. Her efforts area heroic.

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