Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism
by Applebaum Anne
Hardcover- $19.82

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  "This Book Is Disguised As One Thing, But Is Really Something Else" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 11/14/21

Twilight of Democracy
Under the guise of politics, masquerading as scholarship, the author uses her narrative about the situation, in Europe vis a vis Hungary and Poland, followed by Brexit, Greece, Spain, Russia and other countries, to actually falsely trash former President Trump. The book is filled with false flags and outright lies about his style of leadership and his credibility. She impugns his reputation with false charges, charges that have largely been discredited and charges that were deliberately spread by the left wing she suddenly supports.
As she compares Poland and Hungary’s descent into one party rule, she somehow accuses the right wing and Trump of leading America down that same path., In actuality, the only party making threats in the form of blackmail is the current left wing government of the Democrats under the leadership of a President whose election is still questioned by some, and who has created an autocratic atmosphere taking the country into decline. In her descriptions of the political climate in America and abroad, she uses far more violent language to describe anything attributed to the right-wing and conservatives than she uses for the left wing and progressives. She accuses those she disagrees with of using Geroge Soros in various conspiracy theories. Her claims are unjustified since they imply he is not meddling. There is proof that he is involved as he is
actively supporting socialism in several countries with his vast resources and financial fortune.
While the author is pretending to be on the right, she seems to have become a supporter of the left as her friends and confidants have changed over the years, and as she says, she has parties now with people she never would have associated with in the past. Unlike the author, I did not choose my friends based on their politics. I have friends on all sides of political spectrum.
Applebaum supports the left although they are the ones currently using the fascist, autocratic tactics she attributes to the right. It is fairly obvious that although she claims to be conservative, she supports socialism or even communism, at the very least, and is therefore not being honest about her philosophy, regardless of for whom her husband formerly worked.. His paycheck may have influenced her behavior, but not her leftist core of beliefs.
Applebaum cherry-picks her quotes from authorities to support her ideas and does not present both sides of the argument. She presents her view as the one that is right and virtuous and seems to expect the reader to agree with the false premises she presents, often seemingly to contradict herself. While she refers to Marxism and Nationalism as irrelevant, that is untrue, especially in America and other Western nations where it is becoming popular once again, raising fears of dissent, racism, anti-Semitism and autocracy wherever it rears its head.
She believes the courts are no longer liberal because illiberal courts will give power to authoritarians and make them subject to manipulation, the very thing the left wing wants to do by packing the Supreme Court, but she makes no mention of that. She only criticizes the policies of the right which makes her presentation disingenuous and unfairly biased since the things that the left is doing actually represents what she condemns as the policies of the Republicans. She will only convince or fool those who follow the left-wing religiously, but not those with their minds and their eyes open. She places the authoritarians on the right, and identifies them as those who support riots, and yet it is the left that has supported the autonomous zones, looting and rioting in various cities around the world. She almost deliberately refrains from naming the Democrats and left-wing in Europe as those that support these uprisings and riots which threaten the foundations and constitutions of the countries in which they are active. With her slanted approach, she presents a one-sided, if interesting, analysis using far more angry descriptive terms to describe the right than the left.
Although she condemns cancel culture, she does not really blame those programs or groups encouraging such behavior and carrying it out, like BDS, BLM, and the radicals Progressive in Congress. She actually believes the power is on the right and blames them, although the left is in control of the message because it controls education, the media, the press and the endless supply of freebies, without strings, or expectations of repayment in any form. While pretending to present both sides, she lands with her hand on the scale to condemn the right, totally ignoring the behavior of the left which exhibits all of the attributes of past fascists. Although Trump was accused of certain behavior, it is apparent to honest people, that Biden is guiltiest of all the accusations they leveled at Trump, lying, threatening a foreign country, wanting power and to create a dictatorship. It is Biden who is doing it now. In addition, while false accusations were leveled at Trump and his family, Hunter Biden’s incredibly egregious behavior is being ignored by the press. While Obama, Clinton and Biden enriched themselves while in office, Trump lost part of his fortune and donated his salary each year. So who is the one who loves America? Surely those who think clearly are aware of the fact that he does, and he only really wanted to make America great, keep it great and lead it into a prosperous future for all.
Just as Lenin rewarded loyalty to himself, and not those who were talented, Biden supports giving some a leg up mocking qualifications in favor of diversity and lack of the necessary skills. While he mocked Trump for criticizing the press, he avoids them completely because the true purpose of the Democrat platform and programs are being hidden. Further, he can't be trusted to present a coherent message. The book feels more like a presentation of propaganda than facts.
In conclusion, while she presented facts about the conditions in Europe, with specific countries using immigration, the environment and the press to support her premises, she veers of into such political bias that it is obvious that was her true purpose, as well, abd perhaps to get 15 more minutes of family fame. She totally ignores the fact that the cancel culture is strictly on the left an she does so at her own peril. She too can be canceled. She trashes Trump’s America, his supporters and the late-night commentator Laura Ingraham because she supports Trump unconditionally, However, she ignores Biden’s failure to keep his promises to America. She simply falsely attributes authoritarianism to Nationalists over and over, although it is the globalists, under the guise of liberal Democrats that are the autocrats now. She brings up the Dreyfus Case and those who supported the charges, the alt-right, in an attempt to bolster her argument about the right being the autocrat racists, however, it is the left, today, making the false charges against people, i.e, Trump, the so-called insurrectionists, and even Israel, falsely labeling them as using apartheid policies. Although she has absolutely no real knowledge, she attributes no virtuous behavior to Trump, rather she says he is without virtue so she can call him a tyrant, which he most definitely was not, but Biden surely is imitating one. She is even so malicious that the trashes him regarding the virus which he worked hard to develop a vaccine which the democrats trashed, and then disingenuously clamored for.
Although three quarters of the book is not devoted to Trump, the part that makes up the crux of the message, is as it negates and eliminates the entire false premise of the book. She actually writes that “in Trump’s America there is no distinction between democracy and dictatorship”, ignoring Biden’s actual draconian rules that did not exist under Trump. She points fingers at Trump’s dad for rioting with the KKK, but does not mention the longest serving democrat Senator Byrd who actually rode with the KKK when they committed their barbaric acts. She has the audacity to compare Trump’s criticism of the FBI to the Weather Underground’s criticisms of the “CIA and Justice Department and White House”. She totally disregards that, presently, Trump’s criticisms have been proven correct. The Democrats broke the law and falsely accused him of crimes he did not commit. Although he is innocent, she tars him with a guilty brush. She repeats the false belief that Trump admires Putin’s behavior, when actually he admires his ability to rule…not the way he rules. She uses all the talking points of the left while wearing the costume of a conservative. When she cites extreme examples of violence, she only gives one example of left-wing violence, ignoring the murder capitals of the world and stressing the few right-wing radicals like Dylann Roof and Timothy McVeigh. She disparages Breitbart, Bannon and Buchanan but not Tlaib or Don Lemon or Maddow or Maxine Waters, Schiff who read lies into the congressional record, or any of the left-wing radicals who are still spreading lies and encouraging violence.
She acknowledges The Atlantic and the Washington Post for their support and help with her research and work, which indicates exactly where her loyalty lies…they are both anti-Trump, left wing publications. Yet she disparages FOX and remarks about their sex scandals in conjunction with Laura Ingraham, whom she disparages, conflating two unrelated issues to cast aspersions upon her, while it is the left that has had far worse scandals that have gone unchecked and unpunished. Keith Ellison was re-elected as was Bill Clinton. Although she attributes anger and frustration and pessimism to the right, it is the right that offers hope of returning to greatness while the left apologizes for its greatness and demands that you get used to your despair and not expect so much. The left desires chaos to maintain power and reach their goals. This author supports that behavior even if she doesn’t come out and say it, directly. She believes the right looks back in hopes of bringing back the strength of their past while the left looks to the future with less power for America and more power shared by the world. Finally, while she accuses Trump of using conspiracy theories to attain power, it is a fact that most of his charges and accusations have been justified and are not conspiracy theories with the exception of the “birther charge”, which was far less troublesome or destructive than the Russian Dossier scam of the left and the Clinton Russian Dossier myth, or the Quid Pro Quo charge about a telephone conversation with Ukraine that actually Biden was guilty of and admitted. It is Biden that is creating the illiberal one-party state. It is the Democrats who attempted to unseat a legitimately elected President even before he was sworn in. The book is a false presentation of facts.

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