Three Wise Men: A Navy SEAL, a Green Beret, and How Their Marine Brother Became a War's Sole Survivor
by Tom Sileo Beau; Wise
Hardcover- $19.39

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  "A family's love for America demands the ultimate sacrifice!" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 02/07/21

Three Wise Men: A Navy SEAL, a Green Beret, and How Their Marine Brother Became a War's Sole Survivor, Beau Wise and Tom Sileo, author; Brian Troxell and Beau Wise, narrators
The Wise family was a tight knit family with a deep religious faith. The three brothers and one sister were close and well brought up. After 9/11, they became a military family as one after another, each brother joined a different branch of service to fight for the country they loved. Jeremy became a Navy Seal, Ben became a Green Beret and Beau became a Marine. Heather stayed behind and prayed for her brother’s safe return.
One after another, each brother fell in love and began a family. Years past and all went fairly well. When they were deployed to Afghanistan, however, their service was tested and their lives were in greater danger. As they faced the enemy with courage and dignity, one after another was killed. No family had lost more than one child to the war since 9/11, until the Wise family lost their two eldest sons.
Jeremy had served two terms of duty and then went to work for the CIA. He died because of a lapse in security when the powers that be trusted the word of a terrorist and did not check him out before admitting him to the place they were to negotiate matters of war. Instead of keeping his word, the terrorist wore a suicide vest and took several others with him. The last words any of them likely heard was “Alahu Akbar” which the man who betrayed them shouted before he detonated himself, murdering the innocent soldiers who were welcoming him. Ben died when he was engaged in a firefight supposedly to be conducted by Afghan Commandos. However, the Commandos abandoned the American soldiers when the battle became fierce and their fellow soldiers began to die. They turned and ran like the cowards they were, leaving the Americans who were just there for support, to bear the brunt of the battle.
Our government recognized the heroism of these two brave, faithful men, who were highly respected by their brothers in arms. Their family was assured that the last brother, Beau, though he wanted to fight and avenge his brothers’ deaths, would be kept safe. No family should have to give up another son in the service of their country. Suddenly Heather had only one older brother. The Wise family had suffered the loss of two sons in the space of only a couple of years. It was difficult for them to adjust to the terrible loss. The wives and the children were suddenly without a father, a father who loved them dearly. Beau was suddenly without the big brothers who had always taken care of him. They had been close. As he descended into a state of despair, he had to draw on his deep faith to pull himself out of its depths.
I was struck by the fact that both died due to circumstances that could have been prevented. Security could have been tighter so that the terrorist would have been searched and would never have passed through the gates. The Afghan Commandos should not have been trusted since they were known to turn and run before. Had the American soldiers had more support, they would not have been sitting ducks when they were attacked.
The Wise family is still a patriotic family that loves America. Mr. Wise has since passed from the devastating effects of Parkinson’s disease, but the rest of them soldier on. They are supported in their loss and grief by their enduring religious faith, life must go on.
Although it was often very emotional, bringing tears to the reader’s eyes, although it was often immersed in religious values which may not match some readers, the saving grace and beauty of this book is that it pays homage to the sacrifice of these men and their families, the sacrifice thy made for the good of others, the sacrifice to keep America safe. It shines a light on the heroes we depend on to keep America and Americans free. Their love for each other on the battlefield and for their families waiting for them at home is alive on every page. If America can raise men and women like these, America will always be the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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