Socialists Don't Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall
by K. Cheryl Chumley
Hardcover- $25.19

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  "Is America Already a Socialist Country?" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 02/14/21

Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall, Cheryl K. Chumley
I agree with the premise of the author. Socialism will destroy America and its spread is relentless as the Democrat Party is more and more ruled by elected socialists with socialist principles guiding their efforts. They use Saul Alinsky’s playbook to accomplish their goals. They resent our Capitalist society.
This book will not gain wide attention because all opposition to the left-wing Democrat Party is being shut down systematically, after an election in which rules were randomly changed to benefit the left, perhaps illegally in some cases, resulting in the left’s gaining complete power in what may have been an election riddled with fraud. Until the public wakes up and demands the return of freedom of speech for all, not just for the left wing, until they demand the rule of law, until they demand the truth about the election, until they demand that riots not be encouraged by the left, all of the oppositional voices will continue to be bullied and silenced, and America will no longer be great or independent. Actually, our national security will be threatened and the country’s very foundation will be weakened as our Constitution is mocked and ignored, as rules are randomly disobeyed, as enemy countries are favored over our allies, as people turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the truth. Their silence makes them complicit and guilty of an abuse of power, as some seem to get away with the very crimes that they accuse others of committing.
I am fairly certain that my thoughts will not be published on Amazon because it is contrary to their position. Opinions that do not agree with the left are canceled and not published. Their algorithms will pick up any negative word about the current administration, as well, and rule the comments unfit for publishing on their forum. This, too, is an abuse of power and a danger for our democracy. All comments that are in opposition to the left are ridiculed and silenced.
This book highlights and supports those who put the needs of others above their own, who value honor and respect more than personal success, who love and respect their country and have principles that supersede the greed of the left, who have faith in something higher than themselves. The left wants to take from those who work hard and give it to those who do not. The left prefers globalism to the greatness of an independent America and twists its message to appeal to emotion, rather than intellect. It prefers to have other countries rise to the top, as it transforms our country to one that is dependent on others. The left wants those who are successful to feel guilty for their success and to feel shame because others have not achieved what they have.
The author, however, prefers an America of citizens who give charity freely and support limited government. The author prefers independent citizens who rely on themselves for their sustenance, not a nanny state. The author prefers a “great” America, that helps others but helps itself first. A strong country is more effective than a weak one. The author prefers a country that is self-sustaining and strong.
The problem with socialism is that “you run out of other people’s money”. Everyone becomes poor. I believe in the statement in the book that says, “Freedom absent morality brings tyranny”, we are witnessing that now. The democrats show little respect for moral values or for truth. I differ with the premise in the book about religion, though. I don’t believe the answer lies with G-d, but rather with the free will of “man” to exercise his right to make “his” own decisions. The overwhelming religious emphasis of the book resulted in my skimming much of it. Still, the book is very well researched and documented, proving that there has been a constant subtle, creeping influence of socialism that has taken over our country over many decades. The book cries out to be read by all.
Today, our country is in the throes of upheaval with little that can be done to stop the chaos or the antagonism that is pervasive because of a very arrogant and inequitable Democrat Party. Until a “few good men” admit the danger of muzzling one segment of society and then lobby to restore freedom of speech to all, and demand an honest fourth estate, and an open social media platform, socialism and the decline of America is inevitable. The success of President Trump will be negated and we will travel backwards in time, making our country less independent, far weaker and less safe. We can only hope that decent citizens wake up before it is too late. They will reap what they sow, and they may have empty fields if they do not stop the madness.
The party that falsely accused the last administration of abusing its power, is abusing its power now. They are relentlessly harassing the former President and his followers with false accusations that cannot be disproven because the press will not cover the truth and social media has shut down almost all conservative speech. They have unethically politicized a terrible pandemic to accomplish their left-wing goals at the expense of the country and its citizens. They have unfairly trampled on religious beliefs. They have chosen to believe in science only when it suits their left wing platform and they have conducted an unfair election.
Does this sound like the America the world has revered? NO! But this is the state of our current country and we can only pray, as the author suggests, that America awakens before it is too late.

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