2034: A Novel of the Next World War
by Admiral James USN Stavridis Elliot; Ackerman
Hardcover- $16.29

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  "Is this the future that awaits us?" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 04/15/21

2034-A Novel of the Next World War, Elliot Ackerman and Admiral James Stavridis, authors; Emily Woo Zeller, P. J. Ochlan, Vikas Adam, Dion Graham, Feodor Chin, narrators
It is some time in the future, in the year 2034, that an incident occurs causing the possibility of it escalating into World War III. While navigating the contested waters of the China Sea, a small boat is spied burning. There has been no SOS call, but the Captain feels they cannot ignore a ship in trouble. Although they are not supposed to board or enter any vessel, the American Captain tells the Commodore to pull adjacent and they board. Immediately, she notices that something isn’t right. She takes possession of the ship, presuming it is a “spy ship”. This seeming mission of mercy, now turns into something else and touches off a diplomatic disaster.
Unbeknownst to the United States, China has deliberately attempted to incite an incident they believe they can control, in order to wrest more control of the seas around them and also to unite and control Taiwan to the mainland. Their technology seems to have far advanced ours due to budget constraints and politics in our own country. Other countries are advancing beyond us and threaten our position of supremacy in the world.
At this same time that this is occurring, a pilot is testing an F35. The test fails as he loses control of his aircraft as someone else has assumed control of his plane and is flying it for him. He is flown to an airstrip in Iran and captured for entering their airspace. He is subsequently badly beaten for what they believe is insubordination. He refuses to supply anything but his rank and service number. They want to know why he has invaded their airspace. Did they really know why? Are they involved in this diabolical plan concocted by China?
China continues to escalate the incident unless their ship and all that was on it is returned. In reality, the technology removed is harmless, but this incident was intended to cause this exact response. As various “politicians” submit their advice and the more hostile suggestions are accepted, China describes the incident as an act of war. They threaten the US with reprisals if their ship and the equipment on it is not returned. They are going to use the airplane they took down into Iran as leverage to make the trade for their ship and, they hope, create an advantage that proves their country is far superior to the USA. Then they will take over Taiwan. This has been a totally orchestrated event.
Russia is also involved in this incitement of America. America assumes the captured ship is a “spy ship”. Iran accuses America of flying a plane with equipment to spy on them. Russia disrupts America’s communication system by blowing up the cables at the bottom of the sea, an escalation that was not intended, since it was only supposed to be partially, not completely destroyed.
The US wrongly concludes it was China that did this and now retaliation grows even more necessary. How much retaliation? The threat of using nuclear weapons has been put out there. Can they walk that back? The hawks in America also win and retaliation is extreme. This escalates the confrontation, not yet called a World War. Will it escalate into that as other countries become involved? How can this incident be reversed and peace be returned to both countries? It was a miscalculation on China’s part and a miscalculation on the part of the United States. Philosophies are clashing and people are being sacrificed at that alter of political and military thought.
In actuality, China has inspired the incident, has created the chaos by spying on America and using their ill-gotten information to try and take down the United States. They are far superior in technology, it would seem and have caught the United States with its pants down. They have hacked into their communication systems and are very much in control and are aware of America’s plans before they are instituted. There are other countries that have also passed the United States in the development of technology to spy on them. It would seem that the Security agencies of the United States were hacked and they didn’t even know it. It would seem that these other countries were head and shoulders above the USA. t would seem that not only China, but Iran, Russia and even India were capable of eating our lunch.
The characters are very authentic. The politics that play out like a modern day exercise in a war game show how dangerous failed diplomacy can be, how dangerous competition for power can be, how dangerous hegemony can be. The politician’s pride often supersedes common sense. Yesterday’s darling is sacrificed as today’s traitor in the interest of twisting what history will remember.
There are obvious holes in this story although it is exciting and very plausible, especially as we look at world events that are playing out today. The character, Chowdhury, is left hanging at the end with a job to do and the reader is left wondering if he will be able to do it. The reader will wonder if he is compromised. Where does his allegiance lie? He is both American and Indian. The Chinese admiral who was also compromised being both American and Chinese is sacrificed. He had hoped to retire to the US and teach, but instead his family is exiled to the United States. The Iranian is awarded underserved honors, and questions why. The Russian general who instigated an escalation gets away with it and is promoted. India commits acts of aggression and violence against the United States that is interpreted as an effort to intervene to prevent WWIII after millions of innocent victims are already incinerated.
Will this be the future for America? Will her position of supremacy fade because of corrupt politicians, worldwide, that smugly fail to realize the folly of their plans? Will the USA continue to fall behind in the development of their own defenses and technological advancement in the interest of political perception and personal hubris?
This book is good reading but when it ends, it feels incomplete. It leaves the reader wondering whether this is the first in a new series. If it is, I will eagerly buy the next one to find out if the United States returns to its place of glory.

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