The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America
by David Horowitz
Hardcover- $21.09

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  "Excellent description of the current state of affairs in America!" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 07/08/22

The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America, David Horowitz, author; Rick Adamson, narrator

If you are a liberal, completely consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome, unable to tolerate any other view but your own, do not even bother trying to read this book, even though it would probably be the first time your eyes were opened to another truth, another opinion that is valid, but hidden, because ignorance allows the more powerful to control the people. Horowitz, with a clear and concise message, puts all the misinformation sponsored by the left, every single incident, riot, rally, demonstration, etc., is dissected and analyzed to point out that the message from the left is often biased and untrue. He sends their lies out to the pasture where he buries them with facts that prove that their representation and harangues about social justice, are nothing more than racist tactics meant to divide us.

Michael Brown did not have his hands up. George Floyd was not a hero, he was a drug addict and violent criminal, Derek Chauvin was behaving in a lawful manner, and did not murder Floyd, drugs did. The truth has been withheld from the public, as the media and the Democrats have spread a false narrative to promote themselves, and as citizens rushed to judgment without adequate facts. Horowitz attacks and exposes every effort by the left to discredit the right and President Trump, their main target, in an effort to maintain their control by any means and prevent him from entering the White House ever again. That unjust and dishonest effort is still alive and well.

Horowitz is unafraid, and even attacks the last elections questionable results, explaining the lack of a legitimate investigation in laymen’s terms, easily understood and checked out for credibility. He points out that the left has often questioned election results, but still tarnished anyone on the right who dared question Biden’s number of votes. No real investigation of the corrupt election was allowed as fear dominated the atmosphere, and Democrats approved of lawlessness, even as late as the Roe V Wade decision when the left turned a blind eye to illegal demonstrations meant to influence the justice's decision as they had influenced the judges regarding the election’s investigation. Since they had succeeded so well in stopping that investigation, they had good reason to believe that they could also alter the SCOTUS decision by terrorizing the justices, their families and their neighbors. Horowitz compares the 20 months of rioting, looting and general destruction causing injury and death, instigated by BLM, which the Democrats supported and promoted, to the supposed insurrection on January 6th, which the Democrats decried. I believe he rightfully calls the 20 months far more of an insurrection. Anyone with a lick of intelligence should be aware that the election was corrupt, as unconstitutionally, states actually altered the rules to advantage the Democrats, counted votes in secret, multiple times, did not check for the validity of citizenship or legality and refused access to Republicans to prevent such corrupt behavior. He carefully exposes all of the manipulative and sometimes dishonest tactics the left has used to take control of the narrative, using the main street media, the social network platforms, and the cancel culture to promote only one message, theirs, and purge all others. They are creating a world eerily similar to that of Orwell’s “1984”, and we should be very afraid of what it means for our future.

Horowitz dissects Marxism as Identity Politics, exposes antisemitism and white activism for what it actually is, not as the child of the right, but actively existing on the left with its fascistic practices. He reminds us of what Madonna said about sometimes wishing to blow up the White House, he points out that the Women’s March was supported by Linda Sarsour, who wants to destroy Israel and supports Assata Shakur who is a convicted killer. He reveals the truth about Ferguson and the riots. He exposes the racism of Robin DiAngelo, anti-white Michael Dyson, and so many other America haters who support kneeling for the American flag, like Colin Kaepernick, BLM and CRT, those that promote concepts that are blatantly false and unjustified. Although they point fingers at others, they are the real racists according to him, and he proves his points admirably, in most cases. BLM supports Farrakhan, a “Jew hater”, condemns all cops as killers, supports flag burners, and haters of Israel, promotes anti-white rhetoric and riots as reparations. Yet Democrats support them.

As Horowitz analyzes all of the buzz words used by the left, and shows that they are the tools of the liberals to divide us, he makes their ultimate goal clear. They want a weaker America, they promote the dysfunctional, they do not promote a merit-based society, they simply want power, period, no matter how they achieve it. White supremacy is not owned by the right. However, identity politics is owned by the left. The left promotes class warfare, racism, socialism, cancel culture, censorship, promotes sedition, character assassination, organizations that cancel the speech of others, creates false ideas about insurrections, conducts corrupt elections, and hopes to promote a “new liberal world order” as Biden suggested, using their bully pulpit to prevent any other message from being heard, and by casting blame for their sins upon others.

There isn’t a single tactic used by the left that Horowitz does not dismantle brilliantly. If you open your eyes, unplug your ears, empty your mind of the hate you have been taught by the liberal educators, you will learn a lot about how you have been manipulated by a party that is not proud of its country, America, yet the place they decry, everyone else begs to enter, even risking their lives to do so. There must be a reason, don’t you think? This book is not for sissies. It is for those who love America first, who love America’s Constitution, who love the Judeo/Christian principles of life, who love a good and honest discussion of both sides of issues so that compromises can be reached. This book is for those who love Nora Zeale Hurston, not Ta-nehisi Coates, Robert Woodson Sr., not Robin DiAngelo, Alveda King, not Ibrahim Kendi, Thomas Sowell, not race-baiters like Joy Reid. This is a book for people who love America, love equality not CRT, capitalism and not socialism, who love neither identity politics nor racism, no matter where it lives. Insisting that all lives matter is not racist, the opposite is, if some do not matter as much as others, that is racist.

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