Red Deception (2) (The Red Hotel)
by D. Edwin Fuller Gary; Grossman
Hardcover- $26.95

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  "An Espionage Novel that is in the Realm of Reality" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 06/29/21

Red Deception, Ed Fuller, Gary Grossman, authors

Calling all lovers of a good espionage/terrorist novel that contains all the elements of a great mystery; this is the answer to your prayers. I loved the first book in this book series, “Red Hotel”, and I am loving the second in this series, just as much. Already, I am eagerly awaiting the third book, “Red Chaos”. I hope the series continues beyond that, Their amazing backgrounds make them perfectly suited to writing this kind of a novel which is both current and prescient.
Dan Reilly, President of the Kensington Royal Hotels International Division, just happens to be on a bridge when a foreign enemy, with no moral compass, attacks it and begins a diabolical plan to regain world power. The carnage on the bridge is monumental, and Reilly springs into action to try and rescue the injured. Using newly developed technology, and agents motivated by dissatisfaction or greed to do the bidding of an enemy, an enemy that presents an innocent, although false face to the world, it looks to all like this enemy’s tactics may have gained the advantage. Can he be stopped before he creates further terror?
In the first book, Red Hotel, the stage is set for the hotel executive/intelligence operative, Dan Reilly, to become more involved in world affairs, as both his private and work life are constantly compromised by the international community. In the past, he had written a top-secret paper describing possible scenarios for attacks that our enemies might try against our country and others, ranging from infrastructure, communication, points of interest, damage to the water supply and more, imagining all possible attack scenarios, outcomes and responses. He also developed a plan to protect compromised locations, like his hotels. This attack on the United States, which seems to be following his playbook, has suddenly thrown him into the crosshairs of the investigation. At first, he is even suspected by some of being complicit in the terrorist’s plot, but as the power-hungry player manipulates the situation, pointing fingers in one direction or another, like a trompe l’oeil painting, creating terror and pandemonium, attempting to distract his enemies from his goal, Reilly is vindicated and instead called upon to help stop the madness. impending death and destruction.
While the action is relentless, this novel is never boring. It is tempered with common sense. The reader never has to suspend disbelief which often happens with many of these espionage novels that are being spit out by the publishing industry, with unreal speed, leading to many books having similar themes that are often coupled with unrealistic scenarios, foul language and unnecessary sex. In this novel, the romantic interludes, language and sexual content are completely relevant and in good taste. It is happily unlike the many echo chamber books being turned out with regularity that contain trash talk and titillating sex for no apparent reason. These authors are not only well suited to writing such a great spy novel, they have character and class! The reader can easily imagine this very plausible plot occurring in our suddenly much more unpredictable world.

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