The Haunting of Alma Fielding: A True Ghost Story
by Kate Summerscale
Hardcover- $23.08

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  "somewhat interesting" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 08/12/21

The time is 1938. Europe is fraught with the winds of World War II. Hitler is on the rise as is evil. It is at this time that Alma Fielding begins to witness and experience supernatural phenomenon in her home. The spectacular events also occur in the presence of her husband, her son and her boarder. She contacts the Sunday Pictorial. This company had asked citizens to write in about their supernatural experiences.
Dr. Nandor Fodor is contacted by a clergyman to investigate. He works for International Institute for Psychical Research. It is a point in his career that he needs to have some positive case to prove his theory that these supernatural phenomena arise from within a human that is able to call forth the spirits, sometimes unbeknownst to themselves. These people appear to be the medium, the conduit through which spirits can pass and cause their mischief or whatever else their purpose might be.
Thus begins a journey in which he is exposed to and exposes fraudulent mediums as well as events that seem to be real moments of unexplained bizarre behavior. Does the behavior come from the spirit world, unbidden, is it the result of some latent trauma festering in the victim, is it possession, is it energy brought forth by their hidden anxiety and unresolved secrets, is it magic or fraud? Is it the result of all these possible choices? Is it possible for objects in one place to appear in a completely different place, to move on its own, across distances? Is it possible for a human being to conjure up creatures? Is it possible for a human being to appear in two places at once, engaging in conversations in both places as if two individuals? Is it possible for alternate personalities to live within these mediums that control the bizarre behavior?
The book provides examples of all of these possibilities, but no definitive answers. In 2017, the author does the research and tells you the story that will merely provide you with the tools to decide for yourself! Do ghosts exist? How are the spirits called up from the spirit world? From where do they originate? Are the victims of these experiences with poltergeists equal participants? Is it their painful past memories that fester and then awaken them, or do they have divided personalities, hallucinations, or fraudulent manifestations that they artfully create? Are they all frauds as some surely were proven to be? Yet there are instances with witnesses so that the supernatural that cannot be explained away with logical explanations. They defy comprehension. The author leaves it up to the reader to decide.

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