Case Against the New Censorship: Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives, and Universities
by Alan Dershowitz
Hardcover- $16.99

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  "Very clear discussion about today's biased world." by thewanderingjew (see profile) 08/26/21

The Case Against the New Censorship, Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives, and Universities, Alan Dershowitz, author; Narrator, Jim Seybert
Alan Dershowitz is nothing, if not brilliant. He is a clear thinker. Without emotion, using simple facts and explanations, he has laid out his views about the new wave of censorship and limited free speech in America. He points out how it is being instigated and supported by the left in their effort to get rid of Trump, now and in the future. He points out the consequences. They failed to get rid of him as President so they are using all the tools at their disposal to continue to try and bring him down so he cannot run for office again. Using historic examples and present-day tactics, he informs the reader of just how heinous this behavior is and how it defies our Constitutional guarantees of free speech. He has so much knowledge at his fingertips that each reader will learn an enormous amount about how we earned our freedom and how we can hope to keep it.
The book is laid out, almost like an outline. Using pertinent bullet points, he follows up with explanations that develop them. It is easy to follow and is written in plain, rather than "legalize" language. Moving from the courtroom to Congress, the college campus to the classroom, the streets to the corporations, social media to the news media, using many examples, he illustrates how one side has managed to silence the other throughout history. The message is well researched as he explains how this group on the left, which would never stand for being silenced themselves, has currently hijacked the system meant to protect us and used it to abuse the Constitutional right to free speech for all.
Alan Dershowitz is a self-avowed liberal Democrat. He voted for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, he supported Obama, but he is appalled by the way the left is now abusing its power in order to silence any opposition. Democrats of all stripes, teachers, Congressmen and Congresswomen, journalists, CEO’s, Social Media, Silicon Valley, and other wealthy supporters are actively working to shut out the people that do not agree with them, effectively trying to establish a one-party system in America, with news disseminated like it is in Russia, creating a Pravda like state run information provider, enabling only the news of their side to be published. He writes about the misrepresentations and lies being promoted in order to achieve these goals.
In his own personal life, he has witnessed the left’s attempt to silence him, ignoring the fact that his message is based on his education, his research, and his experiences, not on his political views or Democrat dogma. For exposing the hypocrisy and its dangers, for shining a light on the hateful behavior censoring only one point of view, for exposing the lack of a cry to stop the censorship, for supporting free speech for all, for calling the news media and social media to open up to all voices, for acknowledging the wrongful impeachments of a President, and for showing the strength, courage and fortitude to stand up to the mob, his reward has been the loss of both friends and employment to that mob mentality. He is deemed too divisive. As he tries to alert the public to this dangerous behavior which discourages or eliminates free speech that is disagreeable to them, he also finds few others willing to share in his effort. I am hard pressed to name another. All I hear is the sound of silence from people around me who would be defiant if they were isolated with no means of communicating their feelings and ideas, but who now support the silencing of opposing ideas.
While Dershowitz is even handed, applying blame to both sides, concerning most of the issues facing us today, with respect to the election, he remains blinded by his partisan beliefs with regard to Trump. As more and more information is revealed, it becomes obvious that Trump was once again branded with wrongdoing when he was not, but to Dershowitz, Trump’s behavior regarding the election was beyond the pale. Although he does acknowledge the egregious behavior and comments of the left which infuriated and instigated some of the rhetoric, his political views are evident. He remains very loyal to the party and its members, although they have ostracized and ridiculed him. Although the left openly skirted the law or possibly even broke the law as the rules governing how elections were mandated were rewritten to serve their ends, using Covid as an excuse, he does not believe it could have affected the election results. He does believe that the left's anger toward Trump may move them to make impetuous, dangerous decisions, however, particularly regarding many of Biden's recent decisions. Any and all voices that question the election are now silenced, unfairly, and so are the questions about Hunter Biden or Joe Biden’s quid pro quo regarding the Ukraine prosecutor's investigation into his son. Dershowitz worries about how we will end up if this behavior does not stop and we do not become a united country once again. The left’s use of McCarthy like tactics, of fascist type decrees, can only lead to more divisiveness.
The left’s policy of praising Obama blindly while they unjustly attempt to destroy anything and anyone on the right, can only bring about disaster. We are already witnessing examples of that with regard to some of President Biden’s recent executive orders and policies. If he is motivated by his own biases and discontent, he will make even greater unwise decisions based on inaccurate predictions, simply to make his point and further his agenda. His party cannot continue to use Trump and the Jews to create headlines. He needs to be anchored in the reality of the day and unite us as promised, He needs to make his followers aware of how much they have lost for the sake of their vengeance and hatred of Trump. So far, he has only divided us further. The situation in the world today is moving very quickly, and in some ways, the book already feels outdated.

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