The Sisters of Auschwitz: The True Story of Two Jewish Sisters' Resistance in the Heart of Nazi Territory
by Roxane Iperen van
Paperback- $14.38

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  "Excellent presentation of a memoir and history." by thewanderingjew (see profile) 09/19/21

This is the true story of the Brilleslijper sisters whose indomitable spirit and courage carried them through the years leading up to World War II, and beyond. Both were deeply involved with the Dutch resistance effort. As the situation in The Netherlands became more and more dangerous for Jews with the Nazi presence, they knew they had to move out of Amsterdam. They found a home called The High Nest, in a remote area. They hoped to live there safely, unnoticed, until the war ended.
The author of this book bought the home called The High Nest, in 2012, with the intention of restoring it to its former glory. As she learned of the home’s history and the families that lived there, she knew she had to investigate to find out more. That began a labor of love and years of extensive research. Using documents and oral interviews, she pieced together one of the most completely definitive descriptions of Hitler’s diabolical plans.
She follows the path of the sisters and many of those who were involved in their resistance effort, and later on, their effort to survive. The details presented are expansive and often difficult to take in because of the diabolical nature of Hitler’s plans. No matter how much one has read about The Holocaust, this book will inform them of even more of the Nazi’s barbarism. I believe evil truly existed at that time, as friend and neighbor turned in Jews to what they knew would be uncertain death or hardship for their own personal gain. They simply viewed the Jews as less than human or undeserving. Perhaps they were motivated by greed and jealousy, for even after the war’s end, many were still cruel to the few that survived and returned. This is not to imply that all of the Dutch were evil or complicit, but it is to imply that protestations of ignorance are untrue and the sound of silence against Hitler was deafening.
As the Jews were marched to cattle cars, there were witnesses. As they were transferred from place to place, and marched through the street, frail and beaten , often near death, they turned away and pretended not to notice what was right in front of their eyes. To deny knowledge was simply to lie about it. It went on for years in plain sight.
The sisters and their husbands created hiding spaces in The High Nest home. They had failsafe warning systems, which they rehearsed, to keep all of them safe from the clutches of the Germans. Unfortunately, as my mother used to say, man plans, G-d laughs. Eventually, they were betrayed and captured. While they were free, ignoring their own safety, they offered safety to those in danger, They arranged to have false documents made to enable others to escape, and they were also couriers for those same documents. Their experiences before, during, and after the war are so well documented in this book, that it becomes a definitive study of the fear and horror of the Holocaust, from the torture, to the roll calls, to the gas chambers and the crematoria, nothing is left out. The living conditions are described fully and the humiliation and suffering are palpable on every page so that sometimes one has to pause and take a breath. One has to go on, though, because this is not fantasy, it is real and we cannot forget.
Forced to dig their own graves, forced to stand naked in front of leering men, forced to take showers in what were really gas chambers, forced to live in lice ridden, overcrowded substandard conditions, forced to starve and witness the brutality of others as they were tortured and laughed at, forced to work until they collapsed in all sorts of deplorable conditions, they often lost hope because no one was coming to their rescue, though they were innocent of crimes. They had been sacrificed.
This is a detailed account of what took place during Hitler’s rise to power, and thank G-d, his fall from grace. The author has a gift of putting words on the page that bring the reader right to the places she writes about, from the ghetto, to The High Nest, to Auschwitz, to freedom. Unfortunately, many of these places are not places any of us would want to be, and reading about it is hard, but necessary. The women knew Dr. Mengele, they were there when Anne Frank and her sister died. They lived through the most inhumane time of our history.
The narrator of this book is extraordinary. The subject is really difficult and the events are very brutal, yet she never interjected her own emotions into the reading, rather, with just the right amount of expression, she told their story. It was almost a clinical, scientific explanation of tragic events from which there was no escape.

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