Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam
by Vivek Ramaswamy
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  "This is a Good Book to Contrast with "Woke Racism"" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 01/07/22

Woke Inc., Vivek Ramaswamy, author and narrator
The author is an accomplished businessman and a scholar. He resigned from the company he started because of woke politics. When some of his remarks disagreed with the political culture of the left, he was attacked by his own employees and executives. No one was more shocked than he was. However, when he realized that no explanation would stop the firestorm of negative reactions, he decided to hand his business over to an opposite of him, someone he trusted who could lead the company in a different direction successfully. Vivek is of Indian descent, conservative and has brown skin. His replacement is white and liberal and American born. He did not give up however, he does not believe in giving in to this woke elite, rather he wrote this book to defeat them, perhaps at their own game.
The premise of his book is based on the Golden Rule, which the author refers to it as the Goldman Rule, since he learned it at Goldman Sachs. Instead of saying do unto others as they would do unto you, he defines it as “the one with the gold rules.” Essentially, the book shows how money is power and power rules. He shows how the woke are using their influence and power to force corporations, politicians, and individuals to follow their lead. Those who dissent are simply erased.
Ramaswamy, very skillfully, in layman’s terms, takes apart the politics of this “Wokeism”, and the people behind it, complete with their goals and their deceptions. He explains how they shut down opposition and speech they disagree with, he gives many examples of the damage woke behavior has caused. He defines it is a religion, and as such, it rules the lives of its followers who have complete faith in their righteousness. Those that don’t agree are excommunicated from the movement, ergo, they are canceled, boycotted, and fired when the pressure mounts too high.
Unfortunately the results of the woke movement are already with us, so, rather than dismantle it, which is an impossibility, he attempts to offer ways to redesign it. He carefully explains their tactics, their fake outrage and their threats, and basically treats the followers of woke politics as performers. He offers advice to make Americans more appreciative of what they have and suggests the formation of a citizen army dedicated to public service. It should be mandatory, the way it is in other countries, like Israel, but not necessarily military, rather geared toward the community. In this way, he believes people will work together and unite under the umbrella of common goals, rather than constantly dividing themselves into separate groups fighting each other, based on race, religion or politics.
Ramaswamy does not believe in giving in to the mob, but rather he believes in reforming it, in fighting back. The book is filled with information, leading to his conclusions, and is sometimes repetitive, but always easy to follow. He also reads his own audio very well, which is an exception, because most authors are better off with a professional. His final words remind the public that when it “woke” up, it might not necessarily have been fully awake. We must restore America’s dream.

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