22 Seconds (Women's Murder Club, 22)
by Maxine Paetro James; Patterson
Hardcover- $17.88

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  "Not one of my favorites." by thewanderingjew (see profile) 05/17/22

22 seconds, James Patterson, Maxine Paetro, authors; January LaVoy, narrator
This 22nd book in the Womens Murder Club mystery series is definitely not for men. I would describe it as chick lit, perhaps appropriate for someone looking for a quick read for a plane flight or a day at the beach. The dialogue is a bit hackneyed and repetitive. The characters often seemed shallow and self-possessed, although they were very dedicated to their professions which was the most admirable part of the book for me, since they are hard-working law officers and medical personnel across a broad spectrum. They are all juggling their family and work life as well as they can.
One of the couples, Lindsey and Joe have a four-year-old daughter Julie who needs to have time-outs more often than she is getting them. Guilt ridden parents try too hard to understand her demands and her whining without appropriate expectations of behavior. Julie complains a lot and her cousins call her a brat. I am inclined to agree. Occasionally, the child seemed like the adult in the family and vice versa.
Another character, Cathy, attempting to write a book about a serial killer, but currently has a bit of writer’s block. She is hoping this book will put her on the front page with a best-seller and secure her future. Then there is a medical examiner and a journalist. All are friends. They are portrayed as strong-willed capable women. Sometimes, though, they seem preoccupied with their emotions instead of their intellect, but most often, they make common sense decisions and accomplish their goals.

Lindsey and Joe are both involved in a drug/gun running operation which proves very dangerous, at times. To protect their daughter and insure that one of them will survive, they try not to work in danger at the same time. One always stays back with Julie. She is a detective and he is the former Deputy Director of Homeland Security, now working for the FBI. When a law is passed banning assault weapons, demonstrations erupt and they become targets. A sophisticated gun and drug smuggling operation is exposed complete with tunnels leading from Mexico to California. Former cops, who have been compromised by greed, are turning up dead with their mouths stapled shut and a note that says you talk, you die. Sometimes the story seems like gibberish and sometimes it is filled with violent action. If you are looking for some mindless entertainment, this would be a good choice. To avoid unnecessary confusion, It would be helpful if the reader has read some other books in the series.

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