Mystery at Windswept Farm: A Rosalie Hart Mystery
by Sand Wendy Eckel
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Mystery At Windswept Farm: Wendy Sand Eckel, author
Although this is the third book in the Rosalie Hart series, the reader will do fine jumping in right here. As the characters are introduced, they are described and blend in easily. In addition, this mystery, complete with a theme of murder and espionage, can stand alone, as well.
Rosalie Hart had inherited the house and farm in Cardigan, located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, from her Aunt Charlotte. Her property slopes down toward a river of the same name. The atmosphere in this sleepy little town seems as pastoral as the description of its surroundings. So, when her marriage to Ed failed, Rosie (also known as Rose Red), moved to Cardigan to regroup. She opened up the Day Lily Café and embarked on a new chapter in her life, running a restaurant. She always loved to cook, and this was the perfect avenue to pursue her avocation.
Her farm land was leased to Tyler Wells. He and Bini Katz, who worked with him, nurtured it and worked hard toward getting it certified as a sustainable organic farm. Does it not sound like the perfect place to settle down? Already, she and Tyler were enjoying a budding romance. Suddenly, into the mix came the fly in the ointment. When the farm was due for an inspection, Rosalie’s neighbor, Ronnie Kline, known mostly for his unpleasant personality, planned to spray his land with toxic material, material that might contaminate her farm land. She, Tyler and Bini were a bit frantic about it. If any of that chemical were to touch Rosalie’s property, they would fail to pass the organic inspection.
Bini stormed over to his farm, hoping to persuade him to halt, or at least delay, his plan to spray. She discovered his body. When it was learned that he did not die from natural causes, but was poisoned, suspicion fell on Bini. Something Rosalie had mentioned to Sheriff Joe Wilgus in passing, sparked his interest in her. Bini and Tyler were so angry with Rosalie for having loose lips, that Tyler stormed out of Rosalie’s place, leaving her distraught. He wouldn’t even let her offer an explanation. She was forced to question the strength of their romantic relationship. With Glenn Breckenridge, her head waiter and best friend, she quietly began to investigate in order to clear Bini’s name. She had already acquired a reputation for successfully unraveling and solving other mysterious incidents.
At the same time as all this is taking place, Rosalie’s long absent brother, Oliver, makes an appearance and they begin bonding, once again. Cardigan and Rosalie welcome him warmly, and in need of a respite, he begins to mellow. When Rosalie’s friend Alessa, the local owner of a winery, offered up Marco Giovanelli, a renowned chef from Italy, to conduct a cooking class at the Day Lily Café, Rosalie was ecstatic. Although the restaurant was closed for renovations, it was almost ready to be reopened, and the kitchen was in perfect order and could be used. She gathered a small group of people to help her defray the cost. Kevin, one half of a gay couple about to be married, Brandon Hitch, an odd professor whose surname is attached to the history of Cardigan, Jojo Bennet, the sole heir to the Kline Estate, Janice Tilghman (also known as Snow White), an old and dear childhood friend, Oliver, and Rosalie, of course, get ready to enjoy the experience of a lifetime. She and Marco hit it off immediately. He recognizes her natural talent and is impressed with her ability and creativity in the kitchen. As Marco grows more and more impressed with Rosalie’s natural skill and creativity, the reader will wonder if the cooking class will remain his main interest? However, when one of the students almost dies from poisoned salt, the continuation of the class may be in jeopardy. Even worse is the idea that this incident will destroy her restaurant’s reputation. Rosalie hopes it doesn’t ring its death knell.
Rosalie felt forced to fly into action. She and Glenn began to more fully investigate the sudden, strange catastrophes striking Cardigan. Rosalie made a connection with Cliff, the Private Investigator hired by her friend Janice. Janice suspected that her husband Trevor was having an affair with Bonnie Tucker. When Cliff, the private investigator discovered an odd development, he shared it with Rosalie. Barty Bennet, Jojo’s brother, who ran the farm for Ronnie Kline, and Michael, her sister Phoebe Parker’s husband, a gambler, had been meeting with the Russians in the house next door to Bonnie Tucker’s to negotiate the purchase of the Kline property before it passed to Jojo, the sole heir. They wanted a piece of the inheritance. As this plot thickened, Oliver was developing a fortuitous friendship with Sonja Volkov, who had been seen around town driving her red Porsche. She was a famous television actress. Since Sonja was a Russian, too, it was a cue for Rosalie to grow more curious about her. Why had she come to Cardigan? It turned out she was looking for her father who had been visiting Ronnie Kline. Why would the rich Mr. Volkov have anything to do with Ronnie Kline?
The story grew more complicated, although it was still manageable because of the easy conversational style of the author. What was disrupting the idyllic atmosphere in Cardigan? Why do the Russians even want property in Cardigan? Is Trevor having an affair with Bonnie? Will Bini and Tyler make up with Rosalie? Will the murderer be found? Will Rosalie be able to prevent further mayhem? All of these questions become ingredients in this Rosalie Hart mystery. Do they mix together well? I will answer with a resounding YES! However, if it sounds confusing to you, just relax. Let the story pique your interest, because the story will embrace you and quietly and easily work itself out, providing you with hours of reading pleasure. All of the ingredients in this recipe will blend together perfectly.
How often have you read a book that nourished and embraced you, welcoming you into its warm atmosphere? Well, this mystery novel invites you in and asks you to stay awhile. This book, like the farm that Rosalie Hart, Tyler and Bini nurture together, like the name of the town and the river, Cardigan suggests, grasps your shoulders like a sweater and takes you into its arms. Although most of the characters are a bit quirky, they have qualities that you would like in a friend. You want to stay awhile in this place. It reminded me of the Sue Grafton alphabet series with Kinsey Millhone, and Louise Penny’s Three Pines, another place in another novel with quirky but lovable characters, a place you wish was real. Let Cardigan gently embrace you and put out the welcome mat.

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