The Lies of the Ajungo (The Forever Desert, 1)
by Ose Moses Utomi
Hardcover- $19.99

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  "A Little book with a powerful message!" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 12/25/22

The Lies of Ajungo (The Forever Desert, Book 1), Moses Ose Utomi
This book is less than 100 pages, and yet, the wallop it packs is greater than books of enormous length. It is so creative that it captivated me, and I simply had to read it straight through. It was very violent, but the violence seemed largely justified and appropriate, although the idea that right makes might, did not always succeed; sometimes those battling for what was right succumbed to the fight
This is a gifted author. There is not one wasted word or phrase. The message is clear. Those who tell us to fear are probably the ones we should fear. Those who warn us against danger, are probably the ones who are most dangerous. Those who tell us you are our enemy, are actually probably the enemies. We must be vigilant. Our eyes, ears and tongues should be used to fight for justice, not to succumb to weakness. We must work hard to be strong and brave. We must see, hear and speak the truth, if we want to live in a world that is peaceful and joyous. That is the message I gleaned from this brief little book that is far more profound than any others I have recently read. While its message is not political, is not about race and is not about gender, it is nevertheless about social justice.
Can justice and truth win? Can we live in harmony? Are we being duped by our leaders into believing in a world that does not exist, so that they can create the elite world they live in quite contentedly? Who are our real enemies, and who are falsely accused of being enemies? Interestingly enough, there are moments, as we read this novella, that our own way of life will be questioned, our own heroes may suddenly have clay feet.
In this book, you will find an answer to, and the consequences of, the search for truth. There may not be any winners standing, but the future may win, in the end, if we are willing to fight for it.

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