The Dying Citizen
by Davis Victor Hanson
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  "this book and access to it is a great book to discuss with the few open minded citizens that are still around" by thewanderingjew (see profile) 03/03/24

Summary of Victor Davis Hanson's The Dying Citizen, written by Falcon Press, Aaron Frederickson, narrator
I did not read the book, I read a summary available in my library, but no place else that I could find it. This indicates to me that Hanson is absolutely correct in his appraisal of today’s society. When information seems to be censored for political reasons, we are in deep trouble. While there are hard copies available for purchase, and many other summaries are available, my public library system has only this one readily accessible. That is a tell. Libraries are steeped in progressiveness.
Victor Davis Hanson is a conservative thinker. He writes about the way in which America is declining because of a change in focus from Nationalism to Globalism. I agree with his views. Although every liberal book with a “woke and DEI view” is easily acquired, though sometimes so sought after, the hold time is long, his book is not. This simply supports his view that the powers that be are in charge of the message and the message is therefore incomplete in an attempt to cause a revolutionary change in the way the country is run and understood.
By controlling the message through political rhetoric, activist protests and threats of violence, coupled with a compromised political media, certain privileged elites have willfully charged others with their own sins and have gained control and shut down many alternative conversations wherever they might occur, on the political stage, in higher education and in ordinary communication between people who have rejected those they disagree with, refusing even to have a conversation on other opinions.
Although this summary may be accurate, the final comments indicated that those who summarized it might not be as conservative in viewpoint as the author, since the opinion presented of him seemed a bit negative. However, Hanson is a conservative journalist with a nationalistic philosophy about the United States who believes in the Constitution and the values of the founding fathers, including the fact that it Is based on a belief in a power higher than ourselves. This summary appears to be written by the younger generation, and they have been largely brainwashed by the propaganda of an education system based in liberalism. Hanson believes in a country that promotes its own individuals over the rights of the citizens in the global world which he believes diminishes the country itself for the benefit of outsiders who are not citizens.
I agree with him and find that his message is accurate. There is a power about now that is beginning to destroy what America was, and is intended to be, as the global interests of a corrupt political party in power seems to be ignoring all precedents and its own Constitution as it gains strength over the citizens and their thinking processes. They have convinced masses that bringing in residents who are not citizens and should have more power than themselves is a good idea, which it most certainly is not and redefines the very nature of America and shows the inability of so many to think critically.
I tried to discover more information on the publisher and the narrator but was largely unsuccessful, though it appears that the journalists are from a middle school or high school which further justifies Hanson’s premises.

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