by Lisa Grunwald
Hardcover- N/A
It is the middle of the twentieth century, and in a home economics program at a prominent university, real babies are being used to teach ...
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Interesting background into the different gender attitudes of the 40's, 50's and 60's
I thought this was an interesting fictional study of a man's life, which started under such unusual circumstances. Very well written and engaging.
We really liked this book overall and we found lots to talk about regarding the main characters, especially Martha. You will immediately be pulled in by the story line and we would recommend this for other book clubs.
The premise of the book was interesting and the more I read and got into Henry's character the more interesting the book became. Some great psychological insights into child rearing how it impacts the child's adult life. Thought the characters were all very well thought out and I came to really care about what happens to Henry as he gets older. This is a sleeper hit that I strongly recommend.
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