A. D. 62: Pompeii
by Rebecca East
Paperback- $16.95

A twenty-first century woman is stranded in first century Pompeii when a time travel experiment goes awry; she is sold to a wealthy family ...

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  "A woman seeks freedom and love in ancient Rome by telling stories." by tamarwilliams (see profile) 02/04/07

I love this book. As a house slave in Pompeii, Miranda sees household life in the ancient world from an intimate, Upstairs/ Downstairs point of view. As she gets more involved with other members of the household, she finds both love and danger. The stories she tells, drawn from everthing from fairy tales to modern films, give her a way to make points about human rights - and a way to interfere with events, such as plans for a marriage for the daughter of the house. Marcus Tullius is a different kind of hero: strong, sensitive and honorable; and this is a different, tender and intelligent, kind of love story. The historical background is vivid and accurate, but the main focus is on the interactions among interesting characters, and a plot that takes some unexpected twists. It's a quick but memorable read.

  "Nice book, great history" by SonyaBrousil (see profile) 04/25/07

This was a very nice read. A little "light" on the science of the time travel, but her idea was very clever. Great history, and very descriptive! I read this one very fast, and generally liked it.

I would like to see a seoncd book that picks up where we left off....

  "Interesting concept but very poorly executed" by kbayert (see profile) 06/25/07

Where was the editor on this book? There were so many mistakes and redundant ideas that I wondered if it had been through the editing process at all. She seemed to use whole paragraphs over again in different parts of the novel, as if the reader wouldn't remember what she had written just 20 pages before.

I'm no history scholar, but seriously doubt that her main character's treatment as a slave would have been so rosy. Her characters just weren't really believable.

  "Time Travel back to Pompeii ..." by pattygallagher (see profile) 02/07/08

Plain and simple this book is written on a 6th grade reading level. The story is predictable and the author continually repeats herself .... we got it the first 5 times. It was picked because we all like the THE TIME TRAVELLERS WIFE..... there was no comparison.

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