by Irvin D. Yalom
Paperback- N/A
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This is the first book I have read by Irvin Yalom but after reading "The Schopenhauer Cure" I immediately ordered his novels about Spinoza and the one about Nietzsche. If you like philosophy or are curious about knowing about these renowned philosophers, Yalom is a great source. The Schopenhauer Cure, much like Sophie's World, is informative but one never forgets it is a novel. One gets attached to the characters and hope that they will be fulfilled, healed, and happy. The story is revealed through chapters that alternate between a modern Day therapy group and the life of Schopenhauer. It is essentially a story that opposes two different points of views about life, should we give importance to the attachments we have (emotional or material) or should we aim for a complete detachment from those things much like the buddhists or isolated intellectuals such as schopenhauer and the character Philip?
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