by Randy Pausch
Hardcover- $19.53
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."
--Randy Pausch
A lot of professors give talks titled "The Last ...
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The book is poignant and provides a look into someone's short life. He is dying young, in the prime of his life. He is leaving a beloved wife and young children and is trying to leave part of him with them. The story leaves the reader with much thought of how to make the most of your life and to live it while you can.
The author shows his gratefulness for the life he has lived and recognizes his accomplishments and dreams come true.
A series of life lessons according to Randy. Great for his children when they get older. They will know how successful he was and how he wanted to be there for them. Not what I expected though. I came away thinking the book was more of Randy's resume. I missed the heart, spirit and emotion within himself aside from his professional life. This book will spark different opinions for discussion as was the case in our discussion. I wish him PEACE within most of all.
Good book and a fast read. A little preachy at times, but some great advice on how to think about life.
This has become one of my favorite books and one I will read over and over. He inspires me to be a better person for sure. I am grateful his family had him for even the short time they did. What a blessing he was to so many.
Quick easy read that was very enjoyable and makes you look at life in different perspectives. Excellent stories and advice.
Randy's last words provoke thought and open up conversation of living and dying. Book has a bunch of advice and content that seems to be scattered here and there with no sort of order but with great stories and humor it keeps you reading.
Maybe it was the fact that I felt like he was bragging about the way that he lived his life, even though he said that he had a tendancy to brag, it still bothered me.
It did make me think about my life and what I would change, it also made me think about how precious life is.
Unfortunately we read this in my Book Club around a time what a lot of members had sick or dying family members. So it was a little tough to get through for those people.
It was a great short read, it just wasn't one of my favorites.
I finished this book in literally 3 hours or so of reading.. i just couldn't put it down. If Randy's true appreciation of life doesn't inspire you, there is something wrong. He is truly an amazing person who makes you step back and realize exactly how precious life is. I would recommend this short read to anyone I come across. Especially those who take life for granted. Simply an amazing story. Rest in Peace Randy Pausch.
Our group really enjoyed the book. It is quite positive and uplifting given the subject matter. It resulted in great discussion about the focus of our own lives and "what would you do" in the same situation.
I'm not sure what he was trying to do. I am sad that he is gone & the battle he had in front of him. The book was lacking in so many ways & the time he took away from his family to write it was even sadder. I'm sorry that his family missed so much of his last days for this book. It wasn't worth it.
The book provided incredible lessons on how to live life to the fullest and reminders of the golden rule--treating one like you would like to be treated. The famous song that has the phrase in it --- live like you are dying comes to mind. It is a fairly quick read and one that can be enjoyed again and again.
Our club enjoyed reading this. It allowed us to reflect on life. The author is amazingly optimistic despite his personal death sentence. Simply written, we found it evoked great discussion with our members.
A very touching legacy for the children of Randy Pausch who has now died of pancreatic cancer. Insightful reflections on life provide readers with practical wisdom to apply to their own lives.
Although I applaud Randy Pausch for his efforts to "enlighten" his students to the meaning of life, I think that his family lost out on valuable time. His children might never remember him other than the lecture movie, but his wife lost the last months of his life while he was touring. I personally think it was a little selfish and self serving. Did the book change my life? No. Did it make me re-evaluate my life and choices? No. I do recognize the the value of the book. It was meant to inspire, and give hope and I suppose elicite some sympathy, which it did to a certain extent, but I felt that it was singular to Randy Pauschs' situation only and would be very difficult to repeat if given to another.
If you like books that inspire you to be the best you, you can be, then read this. His stories are light, but always carry a message that he clearly explains. It is an inspiration to remember life is not a dress rehearsal, go and live a good life, in a good manner.
the diagnosis which led to the creation of this book, the age and stage of life of the author and his family, the inevitable ending could make for an extremely depressing and serious read, but it isn't. the book is painfully positive and its message simple--life is what we make it and we should make it good. this is simple and, although seemingly a bit trite and self-aggrandizing, is a beautiful tribute to from a dying man to his family and anyone else who will listen.
When confronted with his own impending death, Randy Rausch did not curl up into a ball and hide....instead he lived his final days to the fullest. An inspiring story and heartfelt guide for his three children who will grow up without their dad.
A book about life, not death. It just so happens that we know what happens to the author before we even begin to read it.
The Book was easy to read. It was the first book in our club and had all the emotions that touched and inspired new readers
This is such a tender story. It makes you stop and take a look at how you'd like to raise your own children and to live your life to the fullest.
I liked the Last Lecture and about half of Randy's lessons but did find some of the book to be preachy. I think it would bring about a lot of discussion in a book club though.
This book was so inspirational. Randy Pausch lived his life with such joy. He found a way to make his last days meaningful. His ability to live with a fatal diagnosis with gratitude (thankful that he had the time to say goodbye) and love for his family gave me so much to think about. I thought the book would be sad and tearful but it was so full of passion and fun!
This book is inspirational and makes for great discussion. It's also a quick read.
Honestly, not really sure how I feel about this book. I liked some of the advice given on how to live a full life but felt the majority of it was rather redundant.
I do believe that if you were a friend or family member of Mr. Pausch this book would be a treasure. To learn everything possible about someone you loved is priceless and a reference that would be a treasure.
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