Bitter is the New Black : Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass,Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office
by Jen Lancaster
Paperback- $11.01

New York Times bestselling author Jen Lancaster takes you from sorority house to penthouse to poorhouse in her hilarious memoir of living ...

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  "a great summer fun - no thinking read" by carinmartin (see profile) 08/16/07

  "Obnoxious, Spolied Brat writes her memoirs" by MsLizinCA (see profile) 12/28/07

This book was one of the worst books I have ever read. It is the ranting of an obnoxious woman. I read it because my book club selected. What a waste of my time!!!

  "Loved this book but for my girls only book club" by lady99 (see profile) 02/24/09

Jen Lancaster is a funny witty woman who has a way with words. She definitely highlights how a lot of women think but don't dare to say aloud. I really enjoyed reading her memoir and discussing it with my female only book club.

  "Snarky, but very funny" by ftl_gator (see profile) 03/19/09

If you are a serious book club reader, this book isn't for you. But, if you like funny, witty books, this is a good choice. Great for summer reading!

  "WE LOVED IT!" by StaceySchwartz (see profile) 03/19/09

We all A) finished it, B) thought it was pertinent and applicable to today's time! We loved recapping some of her stories and talking about her anecdotes and occurences through the book. Very fun and recommend for all bookclubs! We can't wait to read her other books.

  "I hope this never happens to anyone I know." by mannaria (see profile) 10/14/09

This is a sad tale of a true Yuppie whose lavish lifestyle is totally stripped away. As an urbanite I could relate to her "instant gratification" attitude. At times I laughed out loud because the chapter reminded me of my own similar experience. It was the Book Club's initial book right before Summer started so it was a good beach read. Our discussion was insightful regarding her sense of entitlement and we found ourselves empathizing with her in the end. I believe this is a trilogy but the club is not interested in the other two books.

  "Bitter is the New Black" by lesliemich (see profile) 12/18/09

  " Somewhat Entertaining would be the words, but they are not on the list." by bchamplin (see profile) 01/15/10

I think if we had read this in another time, it would have been much more funny and entertaining, however given today's economic situation, who cares if the rich fall from grace. Come on down with the rest of us. She most likely made enough money off this book to regain her former lifestyle, so where is the lesson learned? Just that she had better friends in the publishing world. It's ok for a quick "got nothing else to do at the beach" read but I would not take this as a serious read.

  "Not my cup of tea." by teatime (see profile) 03/01/10

While I sympathized with her being jobless for so long, and the hardships that go along with it, I feel attitude has much to do with outcomes in life. If this were not a book club pick, I wouldn't have gotten through it. Wasted my money. Wish my library had at least one copy anywhere, but they had zero in all of the county and zero were checked out. Wonder why?

  "Bitter is the New Black" by kathyp28 (see profile) 03/25/10

Found the author's memoir was funny, yet she goes through a life altering change when she loses her job. Jen Lancaster is very witty, sarcastic, smart, loves material items, & loves herself! After she loses her job, she slowly changes and evolves into somewhat of a different person. She realizes what truly is important in life. She begins to care for others and not just herself.

  "Bitter is the New Black" by maggielov4 (see profile) 06/20/10

This book was fun and light. I did like the change in her life perspective, but still staying true to her Prada self.

  "Less than!" by kcwalker (see profile) 03/30/11

Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass, that description totally fit our bookclubs overall review of this book. Personally, I hated the book and only completed it because of bookclub. I seriously doubt that this woman actually learned anything.

  "Kept waiting for something exciting to happen..." by tarajune (see profile) 04/04/11

  "Enjoyed it" by mylife580 (see profile) 05/17/11

I thought it was funny and fun.

  "Bitter is the New Black" by vtreader (see profile) 06/16/11

This was fun read although a little unsettling at times. I enjoyed the book overall and would look into reading other books by this author.

  "Bitter" by danirae (see profile) 06/26/11

  "Funny Narrative of the changing Work Environment post 911" by lizeline (see profile) 12/22/11

  "Laugh out loud book" by LaurenL (see profile) 01/28/12

This memoir is a hilarious account of a materialistic, egotistical woman's fall from the good life into the Chicago unemployment office. In the beginning I wasn't sure if I'd like the book because I hated Jen's shallowness, but unemployment gives Jen a new perspective on life. Of course, there were still moments when I found myself saying, "Oh no Jen, you did NOT just say that! You're so bad!" She's brutally honest and doesn't really have a filter for her thoughts. Readers will either love her or hate her. I think she's hilarious.

  "Bitter is the new black" by sminer (see profile) 02/29/16

This book exhausted me.

  "Difficult read" by GenaB (see profile) 02/29/16

The problem I had with this book is the author comes off as a selfish, self centered person. I did not feel sorry for her when her world collapsed. Yet she was able to "blog" her way back to success.
Great for discussion with other members on their take of the author.

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 07/22/17

Poignant and epic struggle written in a hilarious story to mask the pain of falling from so high to the ultimate low. Very relatable for a certain demographic - I remember it well!

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