by Seth Grahame-Smith
Paperback- $8.09
Indiana, 1818. Moonlight falls through the dense woods that surround a one-room cabin, where a nine-year-old Abraham Lincoln kneels at his ...
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As a history lover, I was impressed with the historical content of the book, however the vampires got in the way. It was sort of silly.... But the history was great!
I loved this book . It's Aberham Lincoln's biography with vampires added. It made me want to read his real biography.
This was a fun book to read and discuss, love that the history was right on the mark. The writing is very good and it weaves the history and vampires seamlessly.
When chosen for our next read many members were skeptical of the choice however when you start reading it was very well written very well research to the point that you are unsure of what is fact what is fiction. So many of the members began to do their own Lincoln research to be able to differentiate the two. All of the members loved the book despite their initial feelings
The writing style - going back and forth between Lincoln's first person journal entries and the author's narration - takes a little getting used to, but once you do, this is a very entertaining read. I especially liked the historical aspect and how it seemed to match up with what I know of Lincoln. Also, the ending was so better than the movie.
I loved this book. It was addicting from beginning to end. The author has you guessing as to what is fact and fiction. After reading it, it will have you thinking that maybe there are vampires out there...
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